Search results

  1. ISeeWhat4U

    Looking for a Bible-study friend

    Good morning brothers & sisters. I’m posting this in regards to finding a friend online to do a weekly Bible-study with either via e-mail or text. Planning on going with the book of Ephesians first. If anyone’s interested let me know. Have a terrific day! 😏
  2. ISeeWhat4U

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    I once knew someone who would be condescending & manipulative towards me then would flip a switch immediately & act like I attacked them when all I did was ask in different ways “why are you being like this towards me”. It happened so many times in plenty of different ways but the core...
  3. ISeeWhat4U

    Let’s talk!

    Hello! 😊
  4. ISeeWhat4U

    Building genuine connections

    We’re all brothers & sisters in Christ. We’re all here for one another to help us become stronger in our walk of faith. I hope everyone is having a great night.
  5. ISeeWhat4U

    Hey brothers & sisters :-)

    It’s been a while since I’ve been on here so I just wanted to reintroduce myself. My name is Vasilios but also go by Vas. Hope to build connections & have fellowship with new friends on here.
  6. ISeeWhat4U

    Struggle with Masturbation

    Don’t beat yourself up, your heart’s in the right place & God loves you. Keep putting God in first place in your life & remember His love for you. Don’t let anyone guilt-trip or criticize you because none of us are perfect at all. People will be quick to judge & call it “love” when most of the...
  7. ISeeWhat4U

    God's Very Simple Will, Under His Pure GRACE!

    I love this thread. 🙌🙌🙏💙
  8. ISeeWhat4U

    What is the will of God ?

    Fantastic question. Love God by living a life of obedience to Him (lovingly following His Word with joy) & love others with humility. Easier said than done but obeying God & following His Will is living our life reflecting His love for us. Our works won’t save us but His Grace already did...
  9. ISeeWhat4U

    What do you think about works?

    I’m doing a reading plan on the YouVersion app called “The Wisdom of Humility” & I really like how he explains grace & works in the devotional section of day one. “Don't try to earn your way. Grace is a free gift, but you should bear fruit in keeping with repentance. Works and virtues don't...
  10. ISeeWhat4U

    Hey friends!

    Good morning/afternoon/evening (depending on your current time one :-P ) I just wanted to say hello to everyone & see how you’re all doing today. I’m here to make new friends to help one another grow stronger in our daily walk. Hope you’re all having an awesome day!
  11. ISeeWhat4U

    God loves us!

    God loves us!
  12. ISeeWhat4U

    Looking for a fellow brother-in-Christ to study the Bible with

    Awesome bro! I’ll send you a message in a bit so we can work out a weekly schedule that works best for you. Thanks man & God bless!
  13. ISeeWhat4U

    Looking for a fellow brother-in-Christ to study the Bible with

    After reading Proverbs 27:17 ESV “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” I came to the conclusion that it would be the perfect time to start a weekly bible study with a fellow brother. I was thinking of starting with the book of James & then jumping into Romans right after. If anyone...
  14. ISeeWhat4U

    Best scripture advice on how to improve relationships with family?

    I love my entire family & I’m just wondering what kind of scripture-based advice would everybody give so I can improve those relationships even more?
  15. ISeeWhat4U

    Long Distant Relationships

    I was just wondering what people felt about long distant relationships. Is there a certain distance you wouldn't go beyond while trying to talk to someone to get to know them? People that I know usually just stick with people located in their local area nearby but wouldn't searching in areas...
  16. ISeeWhat4U

    Weekly E-mail Bible Study partner?

    I've been looking for a weekly bible study partner through e-mail so if anyone is interested let me know on here & we can set up a day & game-plan. Thank you in advance!
  17. ISeeWhat4U

    Are trust & communication most important in building a strong connection?

    There's a handful of different ways a man & a woman can be attracted to each other but is trust & communication the only 2 important factors in connecting with another person to build with?