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  1. Groovy_Dan

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    I'm all good thanks - thankful the weekend is here :)
  2. Groovy_Dan

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    Hi Beth, how's it going?
  3. Groovy_Dan

    Heyyyyy CC!! Whats Up?!

    I'm still wearing it - back after a few years. Lived through many changes of CC - remember when it first started out, and when we all had to re-register - lucky my screen name/handle wasn't robbed :) - that was the best ever chat board - think it probs flash but it was fun to use :)
  4. Groovy_Dan

    I answer questions. (Seeker of truth.)

    Here is an interesting question. Whom shall I send? Who will they receive? Will they hear when I call? Research those and I'll be ready to answer your questions.
  5. Groovy_Dan

    Full WebSite

    Install Chrome for free from AppStore, load the site. hit the 3 dots (fries button to right of the adress bar) and click "Request Desktop Site"
  6. Groovy_Dan

    miserable alone

    Could you possibly have dug up a harsher quote? LOL Sorry - I am divorcee and after a few years of analysis, have concluded that my ex-wfe was a woman of economics and not love, faith and sacrifice. - not saying I and my actions at the tine wasn't a factor. What I am saying is, there is always...
  7. Groovy_Dan

    woman preaachers

    I cannot fathom why any Christian body or Church of people would feel that women do not have a valid claim to preach and proclaim their witness to the Gospels. We constantly read about Jesus' affiliation with women in the Bible, which often goes against the Hebraic rabbi's views and social...
  8. Groovy_Dan

    No hope for the future

    Maybe - just maybe there aren't more of these sorts of people as your describe, or more murderers, rapists, or even general assaults etc. Maybe, due to technology, you just get to hear more about more of them, from further afield, coupled with that information being available faster than ever...
  9. Groovy_Dan

    Prayers For My Wife Please

    Hi, Please pray for my wife. Our beautiful baby girl was born last night but my wife suffered some complications and lost a lot of blood. Currently still in the HDU (High Dependency Unit) with doctors not too sure what to suggest next to fix her. Feeling helpless and just want my wife back -...
  10. Groovy_Dan

    HI All

    Hi, I sort of got this the wrong way around - posting here a day or 2 late but Hi. Im Dan from the UK, I am a Catholic, baptized in the Spirit about to undertake re-vamping our Youth programme in our parish community. Always be around for a chat a prayer. Look forward to meeting you guys.