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  1. jatinderkumar

    missing old indian friends....can we talk again???

    there was a time when indian room used to be full but i can't see if you are contact with anyone...ask them to come back to indian room.
  2. jatinderkumar

    where r u all indians?????

    haven't seen any indian here in cc for quite a long i ask u my indian friends "where r u'??
  3. jatinderkumar

    where r u guys?

    i have not seen u...what time you are coming...plz tell
  4. jatinderkumar

    just say hi here in this post when you come online

    well friends, what happens whenever we go to india room...we find no one these days and wondering where everyone has i request you whenever you appear online on christian chat..just say hi and leave your message to my that our other friends come to know that you appeared here...