Search results

  1. heavenbound84

    College Student: Liking/Disliking My Sociology Major

    Hey ya'll I couldn't really figure out the best place to post this aside from maybe young adults. But I've only been FINALLY in my long desired Sociology major for one semester and I have a love hate relationship with it. Not the same type of relationship that I would have with school in...
  2. heavenbound84

    Pray for an old high school friend

    Pray for one of formerly close high school friends, "J." We both chose different paths (mine - the Lord, hers - alcohol, love, sex, approval of others, etc.). Recently in October due to a hurricane in the area, I went to stay with her and got to see just how broken she was. Her marriage is the...
  3. heavenbound84

    Beginnings of the Nation of Israel

    In reading the birth of the children of Jacob, who eventually become the tribes/nation of Israel, I wonder how Jacob felt being caught in the middle of the wife/maidservant drama. Did he enjoy the fact that he got to sleep with all those women or was he more overwhelmed by the jealousy and drama...
  4. heavenbound84

    Missions/Movement Prayer

    I recently went on a missions trip to the Netherlands with my church over Christmas break. My main personal reason for going on the trip was to get a better idea or vision of where God wanted me to go as I drew closer to graduation and completing both my Associates in Administrative Office...