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  1. Nate0220

    Losing faith

    hello, I just wanted to ask you guys to pray for me. I feel like I am losing this battle that is my life. I'm addicted to stuff that I have no business looking at, I lie and I cheat all the time. I feel like I am a burden around others all of the time and I want this hopeless feeling to stop. It...
  2. Nate0220

    Sick of letting god down

    hello everyone. I thought that I had porn beat, but it's back with a stronger foothold then ever in my life. I've talked to my father and my fiancee about it and both of them just told me to pray about it. Is there a website that I can go to that will block out anything at all offensive? I hate...
  3. Nate0220

    Battling an addictaion that I thoguht I had beat..:(

    hey everyone..just wanted to ask for your prayers..I am engaged to a beautiful woman and she has a lovely daughter which I love with all my heart. The problem is that I'm still struggling with an addiction to porn. I know that I shouldn't be looking at that stuff at all..but I can't help...
  4. Nate0220

    Need encouragement

    hey everybody, I need encouragement with something in my life. I have a dear friend that I have known for many years..she has just quit talking to me at all and she knows that if she ever needs anything at all, I would be there for her as a friend. She has a bf and I am happy for her. I just...
  5. Nate0220

    Scared for my future family. :(

    hey guys, I just wanted to ask for some prayer for peace in a situation that I am going throguht. I am engaged to a beautiful woman who has an eleven month old daughter. The father is not in hte picture at all, but recently, he has been sending her texts and calling her telling her that he wants...
  6. Nate0220

    What song do you listen to when you are in a certain mood?

    Hey people..I just was wondering what songs you listen to when you are in certain moods. for example..if I've had a bad day...I will listen to Jeremy Camp "there will be a day" and my spirit picks right up. I am going to post what music I listen to and what helps me when I get in a certain...
  7. Nate0220

    fiancee's baby is sick

    hey, can you guys please pray for my fiancee's 10 month old daughter? she has a fever of 101 and I am really worried about her.
  8. Nate0220

    My grandfather isn't doing so well

    my grandfather had a stroke and to make a long story short, it has messed up his mind I think. He thinks that him and all of his kids are aliens. I've talked to him about it and I asked him if he knew who I was, he told me that I was the product of an alien experiment gone bad. :( my mom which...
  9. Nate0220

    pray for me..struggling with porn

    hey everyone..I just wanted to ask you guys to pray for me. i have been wrestleing with porn for a better part of a year much as I try to stop, I can''s really affection my relationship with my fiancee and I've told her about and she says don't worry about it. What do i do? I...