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  1. shrimp


    There are alternatives to many vaccinations.
  2. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Out of curiosity, have you ever been connected to a divorce? Either the child from a broken home or divorced yourself?
  3. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Malachi 2:16 is exactly the scripture that made me decide not to seek a divorce. Sadly, my husband doesn't seem to either know or care (I am unsure of which). His father (a pastor. Although currently without a church) seems to be coaching him along. I wish that God would get through to him and...
  4. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    I have no evidence of him physically being with another woman unless you possibly include camera/online "stuff". I had contemplated divorce for a month before I decided that it was not the right thing to do. I prayed and cried and screamed and groaned before God over it. I am still praying for...
  5. shrimp

    Year 2020 Goal

    2019 was pretty awful for me and my family. 2020 I hope will be better.
  6. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Thanks for the suggestion, but my question is what restrictions are divorced women under in service to God? Especially if the women aren't at fault?
  7. shrimp

    Open Challenge to UPCI people here

    The way I understand the Father/Son/HS is that God is one God and He is Spirit. The same Spirit that formed Adam in the dirt, in a similar way formed the body (Son) known as Jesus Christ and dwells in that body as it is His body. And because He is Spirit and fully able to be omnipresent, The...
  8. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    The true reward is walking with God. I can't ask for much more than that. The hope that my husband and children will walk with Him. But that's about it.
  9. shrimp

    Open Challenge to UPCI people here

    It is informative. Thank you.
  10. shrimp

    Open Challenge to UPCI people here

    I'm mostly Pentecostal but considering that I don't even know what Sabellianism means, I hardly feel qualified to discuss anything on this. Too much of a meat and potatoes conversation and I'm still in mash.
  11. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Thanks. It Is difficult to go through, but maybe that's because I am learning from it. I was naggy and pushy at times, I wanted him to not bring home his work, I didn't keep up with the house like I should have, I probably spent money on stuff that either we didn't need or we could have waited...
  12. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    If I have made the impression that I was/am a perfect person, I apologise. Writing up the affidavit has been enlightening as to my part in this. However, I didn't put my husband into pornography, I didn't get him the dating sites, and I most certainly didn't file nor tell him to file for a...
  13. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Agreed. I'm the fourth generation in my family to get divorced. I was that kid. To say that I didn't want this for any of us is accurate.
  14. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Thank you for praying for me. I have been praying and will continue to do so. Just trying to figure out what to do and what I am now. It's hard.
  15. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    I'm not sure if that is what I was thinking. But I appreciate your answer. Maybe that is part of it. I guess I just am very confused about what my role is now and was wondering if God's Word has anything about what I am facing.
  16. shrimp

    What happens after divorce?

    Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been here. I've been through some of my nightmares the last 3 months, my husband cheating and him filing for divorce and stringing me along until I was served and getting back into church and now fighting for custody. I didn't and still don't want to...
  17. shrimp

    Adoption and Preparation to Adopt

    Have you adopted a child? What did you do to prepare for the first step towards adoption? What was it like? What advice would you give someone seeking to adopt? We are seriously considering adoption and I want to spend the next 3-5 years preparing. I would love to hear any stories and or advice.
  18. shrimp

    Proverbs 9:13-18

    Proverbs 9:13-18 King James Version (KJV) 13 A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing. 14 For she sitteth at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city, 15 To call passengers who go right on their ways: 16 Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: and...
  19. shrimp

    Autobiography question

    I have been chewing on writing my autobiography for a while and there is only one issue keeping me from doing so. Childhood sex abuse and other traumas. Should they be included? How can I write about it in a way that doesn't make people want to vomit while still not taking away from the...
  20. shrimp

    The politics of Gay rights.

    I got the B lesson from LGBT at breakfast.