Search results

  1. Oncefallen

    Assassination attemp against Donald Trump

    There was an assassination attempt against Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania this afternoon.
  2. Oncefallen

    Happy Singles Awareness Day

    How many of you will be doing something special for yourselves today?
  3. Oncefallen

    I'm rather surprised

    that no one had posted about this prior to now. Twenty percent of mail in voters polled admitted to acts that would be legally considered to be voter fraud in the 2020 election.
  4. Oncefallen

    Needing Prayer

    For the 17 year old daughter of one of my pastors (and their family). Earlier today Elsie went into full cardiac arrest (she's 17). It took EMS and hospital staff over an hour to get her heart pumping again on it's own. At the last update that I got she was flown up to Denver Children's...
  5. Oncefallen

    Needing prayer

    For the 17 year old daughter of one of my pastors (and their family). Earlier today Elsie went into full cardiac arrest (she's 17). It took EMS and hospital staff over an hour to get her heart pumping again on it's own. At the last update that I got she was flown up to Denver Children's...
  6. Oncefallen

    Mississippi church arson

    It is sad the extremes that some will go to
  7. Oncefallen


    In light of some recent reported posts and in order to save Admin time dealing with reported posts it seems that some guidelines may be helpful. (these are not directed at any specific user) **Make sure that the post you are reporting supports the behavior you are reporting. Don't click on...
  8. Oncefallen

    Ridiculous warning labels

    A couple of comments in another thread made me think of the fact that just about every product we buy anymore has some sort of warning label on it that someone with the barest amount of common sense should already know. Those labels are (in reality) there solely to protect the manufacturer from...
  9. Oncefallen

    For those who are interested

    The other day I had posted in a now deleted thread about my wife's condition and thought I should post something about her progress for those who were interested. Her condition has progressed exponentially over the past couple of days. For those of you who may have been lifting her up in...
  10. Oncefallen

    Colorado buries it's third officer this year.

    Thousands turned out in snowy 19 degree weather to line the streets of Colorado Springs in honor of a fallen officer. Saying goodbye to a hero: Funeral of Deputy Micah Flick
  11. Oncefallen

    Tell us about...............

    your worst (or best) experiences with businesses. All of us at one time or another have had an unusually good, or outrageously horrendous experience with a business. Tell us about them.
  12. Oncefallen

    The "I quit" thread

    I noticed in a couple of other threads scattered around CC that we have a couple of people who are trying to quit smoking. Those who haven't smoked for an extended time (more than a few years) probably have no idea just how difficult it is to quit a habit that your whole day revolves around...
  13. Oncefallen


    As of late many of the threads in this forum have degraded into nasty mannered mud slinging contests and as a result a couple of them have been closed in the past couple of days because there has been no individual user that has been the sole offender, just a topic that got heated and...
  14. Oncefallen

    Nancy Reagan passes on at 94

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Former First Lady Nancy Reagan Dead at 94 - NBC News
  15. Oncefallen

    To The Pats fans

    Sorry about your luck. ;):p
  16. Oncefallen

    Planned Parenthood Shooting

    This is currently unfolding across town from me. Four officers have been confirmed to have been shot. At this time it is still an active shooting scene, and has been for over five hours. Although the police area not even speculating as to the motivation behind the shooting, I'm sure that when...
  17. Oncefallen

    Linux Lynx

    Here ya go, now you have your own tech support thread. ;)
  18. Oncefallen

    Failure to launch or failure to parent?

    This post in Streams really deserved a thread of it's own (IMO).
  19. Oncefallen


    Just a fair warning to new users here on Christian Chat. All posts in our forums are Google searchable and viewable by non-members. Posting information such as e-mail, Skype, KIK, etc. albeit not prohibited by CC is not advisable because anyone on the internet can view this information.
  20. Oncefallen


    Just a fair warning to new users here on Christian Chat. All posts in our forums are Google searchable and viewable by non-members. Posting information such as e-mail, Skype, KIK, etc. albeit not prohibited by CC is not advisable because anyone on the internet can view this information.