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  1. LifelongLearner

    Shortcut/Make it Simple Recipes

    Being a veggie, because i loathe factory farming, not because eating animals is evil, i've developed several shortcut recipes. One of my best is a recipe for samosa pastry, which tastes great and makes their creation a doddle. 6 ozs/170g sifted plain white flour 1 tbsp of good quality sunflower...
  2. LifelongLearner

    Can We Really Exercise Free Will?

    Many have probably realised i don't think we can exercise free will, even think it's impossible for us to. Won't explain why i think it's an impossiblility for us yet, think it's useful for some to express why they think it exists first. I have no doubt we have and can make choices throughout...
  3. LifelongLearner

    How Did Your Spiritual Journey Begin?

    Unsure if this is the right forum to discuss this, seems the best choice to me currently. Think it was late March of this year my journey began, i was a chain smoker and a binge drinker, which is far more immediately dangerous than alcoholism. Binge drinkers very rarely are addicted to alcohol...
  4. LifelongLearner

    A new member and a rather new Christian

    Looked into this lovely, very active forum, a few times before joining and am now ready to join in. I am an old dear who thankfully, quite enjoys being old, you don't become a different person when you're in your 60s. Posting the About You segment from my profile, it offers some useful info...