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  1. enril

    looking for teens who've had an account/ been semi active.

    I never thought of this, but at the prompt of @HealthAndHappiness, I posting this. any teens remained 'around?' for longer than a couple months? pleas, tel me.
  2. enril


    I have had really bad insomnia and have barely slept for the last week, does anyone have any tips? and its not because i'm depressed, I just cant seem to sleep.
  3. enril

    How's life?

    How has life been treating y'all lately?
  4. enril

    pray for me, please.

    I am recently saved, I have been healing from my past and all that, but recently my depression has been coming back. and i am not doing so well lately. asking for prayer for renewed drive, and will to keep on going, and hope, that there is an end to all this.
  5. enril

    anyone care to explain some acronyms?

    like seriously, I have no idea what all of these even mean. TMI??? etc
  6. enril

    pray for courage.

    I Need courage to do the right hting. my youth pastor is encouraging me to talk to my parents about my porn addiction, past, deppression, self harming, etc etc etc. I don't know. I am too afraid. please pray for me. my name is David, :D
  7. enril

    Favorite acronyms?

    anyone want to share favorite acronyms? my favorite are: B-asic I-nstructions B-efore L-eaving E-arth and P-raise R-equest A-dmit Y-ou and one i saw in a users signature, F-alse E-vidence A-ppearing R-eal
  8. enril

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    can we keep the arguing down? I am also looking for biblical quotes. not convictions. I fall firmly into believing that you can get unsaved, because I did choose not to accept christ. as a concious decision. like, i thought, i dont want it for myself. maybe someday. i believe it to be truth, but...
  9. enril

    my screen on christianchat is funky.

    so, my screen, only on forums and users on this website, is duplicating portions of the screen, and laying them over the entire forum, making christianchat basically impossible to use. any help?
  10. enril

    Isaiah 9:3 dicussion.

    my kjv reads: Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil. what does yours read?
  11. enril

    pray for courage.

    I need courage to talk to my youth pastor about my second (night) life. I have been emailing him, but talking in person is much better. and harder. I also want to tell a friend. but, the fear of rejection. so strong. because I really value my relationship with her.
  12. enril

    anyone heard the elon musk '666' microchip conspiracy theory?

    I do not normally care about conspiracy theorys, but this one was very interesting. I cannot vouch for it as it is mostly hearsay.
  13. enril

    i've actually written a couple songs.

    let's see... mostly one stanza, unfinished pieces. ah, here we go: whatever you do, don't ever forget. the LORD is your help, he will keep you. safe from all harm, safe in his arms, you he will protect, from all doubt, that is too much for you. he will keep you, safe in his arms, and will...
  14. enril

    favorite music?

    I listen to alternative pop/rock/metal. God only knows is one of my favorites. it descries how I feel perfectly. every word resonates. goodness of God is my favorite song. it was partially this song that led me to be forgiven. 'all my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so, so...
  15. enril

    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    This is an ineresting question, that I have not gotten a definite answerto.
  16. enril

    a prayer movement.

    I am trying to start a prayer thing. Every night, at 9;38, I stop whatever I am doing, and pray. it may be 20 seconds, it may be 20 minutes, but since I started, I feel much better, as talking to him tends to do. so I am trying to get others to join me. (I stole the idea from a missions...
  17. enril

    looking for some support. urgently.

    I have been struggling with porn for years, and, at age 14/15, that is not a good thing. I was deppressed, I was guilty, and I was suicidal. can anyone help? and pray for me. more urgently, I feel the pull. of porn. prayer, please.
  18. enril

    I guess I should introduce myself here too...

    I am a teen, I recently became a christian, after years of denial, guilt, addiction, depression, and suicidal thoughts. this week I am meeting with my youth pastor to talk through the things I did. And, I will be scarred for life. I thankfully never went 'too far,' but pornography on its own is...
  19. enril

    anyone have any decent jokes?

    ''Jesus wants the fruit of the spirit, not religious nuts'' ''If you can't find a lawyer that knows the law, find one that knows the judge.'' share yours. ''If someone calls you stupid, you say 'Oh! you must be rubbing off on me!'''
  20. enril

    is there anything wrong with dark music and reading?

    I greatly enjoy songs where the subject is losing or lost hope, like Imagine Dragon's 'Monster' although, I can feel the pull from that one, so I do not listen unless I am really feeling broken. I enjoy reading dark, some would say morbid fantasy. you know, people die, it is violent, some is...