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  1. B

    I'm curious to know if there are some on this forum that deny the deity of Jesus Christ?

    That is to say that Jesus Christ is a created man like the rest of us and He did not pre-exist His birth in Bethlehem around 6 to 4 BC. I have a very important question to ask you that might change your mind as to His deity? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    How do I open up the ratings box?

    When I click on the ratings icon "like" it post like. However, a long white box opens up with the various icons and it immediately disappears when I want to post any of the other icons. What am I missing? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  3. B

    Rapture or Resurrection, that is the question?

    At 2 Timothy 2:15-18 the Apostle Paul states the following. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. Vs16, but avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, vs17, and their...
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    It is virtually impossible that the Angel of the Lord is Michael the arc angel. He is however, the preincarnate Jesus Christ.

    The following is what I wrote about 15 years ago on this very subject. The angel of the Lord first appears as the angel of the Lord at Genesis 16:7. He says in the following verses that he will multiply Hagar's descendants at verse 10. At verse 13 Hagar says, "Thou art a God who sees; Have I...
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    It is virtually impossible that The Angel of the Lord is Michael the arc angel or Jesus Christ is Michael as the Jehovah's Witnesses teach.

    The following is what I wrote about 15 years ago on this subject. The angel of the Lord first appears as the angel of the Lord at Genesis 16:7. He says in the following verses that he will multiply Hagar's descendants, verse 10. At verse 13 Hagar says, "Thou art a God who sees; Have I even...
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    Another question for pretribulationist in view of 2 Thessalonians 1:7?

    The Apostle Paul is praising them for their perseverance and faith in the midst of all their persecutions and afflictions which they have been enduring. (2 Thessalonians 1:4). Vs5, "This is a plain indication of God's righteous judgment so that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God...
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    This question is for Pretribulational advocates but anybody can chime in.

    Jesus responds to q question by His disciples at Matthew 24:3. "And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying. "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age/world." Jesus then explains from...
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    What does it "REALLY" mean that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

    We all know that when one ask the question, "Who is Jesus Christ" the inevitable answer will be, "He is the Son of God." Okay, but what does that really mean? Does it mean Jesus is the Son of God just like Christians are called and identified as the sons of God? No, Christians are "adopted" sons...
  9. B

    What does it "REALLY" mean that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

    We all know that when one ask the question, "Who is Jesus Christ" the inevitable answer will be, "He is the Son of God." Okay, but what does that really mean? Does it mean Jesus is the Son of God just like Christians are called and identified as the sons of God? No, Christians are "adopted" sons...
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    According to Jehovah Witnesses without "ACCURATE" knowledge we may become ensnared by false teachings.

    Therefore, if a doctrine contradicts God's Word, if it is a lie, then believing it and teaching it discredits Jehovah and brings us into opposition to him. So we need to examine the Scriptures carefully to distinguish truth from falsehood. This is taken from the JW site...
  11. B

    This answer is for humblyconsider.

    I tried to post it on the thread, "Is Jesus Michael the arc angel" but it would not post it. I keep getting a message about 10,000, whatever that means. Anyway, here is my answer to him. I read with interest with your presentation from and what Larry Wilson had to say. A couple of...
  12. B

    The Tribulation and the Church, WHEN?

    The following is a youtube video by the late Dr.Walter Martin. It's about 50 minutes long and extremely instructive regarding the events as to when the Great Tribulation will take place. Btw, for those of you who do not know who Dr. Walter Martin is just google his name. You might also know that...
  13. B

    I'm sorry nwl, but I'm unable to post the follwing to your response.

    I keep getting a message that I cannot post 10000 characters or whatever? So my response is here. Thanks for your reply nwl. What your doing is contradicting the Scriptures. Sure, you do say you believe Jesus existed before the earth was created and God used Jesus to create all things through...
  14. B

    My response to nwl regarding Hebrews 1:1,2 and other issues.

    I was unable to post my reply to nwl on the other thread so I decided to just start another thread with my response. Ok nwl, you now have my full attention so I will be addressing some of the things you stated. Notice the very first word at Hebrews 1:1. It is "God" and then it says, "after...
  15. B

    For those why deny the Deity of Jesus Christ.

    Since some of you deny the Deity of Jesus Christ which also means He did not preexist His incarnation as a man I have a question? Why is Jesus Christ who is the one and only begotten Son of God identified or presented as the Agent of creation at John 1:-3, Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:10 and at...
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    I will first present the following "syllogism" and then explain the syllogism as it realtes to the Trinity. What is a "syllogism?" A syllogism in logic is a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two given premises, one major presmise and one minor premise. IF the Bible teaches...
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    So, I'm full of anti-wof talking points, prejudice and misinformed?

    This is what lancelot accused me of when I posted to joaniemarie the heretical views of kenneth hagin who in turn passed down these views to kenneth copeland who's a real "peach" of a heretic. So lancelot, the following is what joaniemarie sain in a number of her post regarding a statement of...
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    The following article reveals why benny hinn's nephew came to his senses and turned to God! I might as well though this into the thread about another wof prophet named kat kerr who commanded the storms to...
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    If you deny the deity of Jesus Christ then by extension you deny that He preexisted His incarnation as a man. And when I say you deny His "deity" I am not talking about Him simply being divine. I'm talking about Him being God who became flesh according to John 1:1-14. So here is the question...
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    It seems that many people are not that familar with or know what is the word of faith movement? I personally ran across it in the late 1970's but I myself was "NEVER" involved with the wof movement. In fact, I was deeply involved in "apologetics" (and still am) which dealt with the wof movement...