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  1. G00WZ


    Ok, but just know the day i catch you both wearing matching sweaters and speaking in unison im gonna have to say something lol.
  2. G00WZ

    Autism healing

    Some good faith people on youtube you might want to look at are on healing journeys today. I like listening to testimonys from people who actually live the life who have gone through some stuff.
  3. G00WZ

    Gift of Healing

    Some people have hardly any mental strongholds in their minds. I have noticed that it's often easier for non christians to recieve healing because they aren't hoarded by religious doctrine or accountable for renewing their minds yet. I know for me i didn't recieve healing until i started to...
  4. G00WZ

    Autism healing

    I believe thats for some depending on where your faith is, but for me personally i don't mess with doctors or any types of medication anymore.
  5. G00WZ


    1 dino and 1 lighthearted please no "Lighted_Dino_heart" don't be like oldthennew being all dualistic with 2 people on 1 account lol.
  6. G00WZ

    Autism healing

    Modern christianity is like "Lets go to church and listen to how Christ healed us but first lets take a trip to the pharmacy". It really is counterproductive how we think, we live double minded lives with our eyes on the word but our imaginations and lives on what is "reasonable" according to...
  7. G00WZ

    Monkeypox: What Liberal Media is NOT Telling You

    I still won't be monkeying around with any vaccinations.
  8. G00WZ

    Waiting on God's Promises

    Ties directly into what i said before its good though Yea that could work or you could just be more "open" to them, you know show them you have a sensitive side literally lol.
  9. G00WZ

    Waiting on God's Promises

    Not a bad choice you could make a fortune off a few buckets of sand when you turn em into pearls lol.
  10. G00WZ

    Waiting on God's Promises

    I don't wait, i live as though it is or that i am that in Gods direction so He can see it/me what He was already believing for so that He can make it manifest. When you play the waiting game your hopes just going to be defered over and over again and it will just make you angry and doubtful...
  11. G00WZ

    Do opposites really attract?

    They say that "I" personality types are supposed to pair well with "E" personality types. I don't think i would like a complete opposite or a female clone.
  12. G00WZ

    "Not Physically Attracted Enough" - Vs - "Friendship that Catches Fire"

    Extremely salty but very filling....Oh, and fun for the kids.
  13. G00WZ

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    lol When i was in the chat people on mic would actually take the time to try to pronounce it with the zeros lol. So you're cool with "muffin" or "snookums"?
  14. G00WZ

    Unrealistic Expectations

    I can't stand chocolate by itself its just too plain for me like vanilla. It's like if im being served something like brownies i want sprikles, icing, caramel and some candy glitter sparkles on it lol.
  15. G00WZ

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    I'd be more concerned about how my date still refers to me in person by my screen name.
  16. G00WZ

    Unrealistic Expectations

    Lol i understand enough to get around and socialize but i still don't understand what's so great about chocolate though.
  17. G00WZ

    Unrealistic Expectations

    A mans leading default is in how he thinks/logic, women by default tend to lead by feel/emotion... If you don't believe me start a conversation with a man with a topic like "how do you feel about the color green". He's going to give you a short 5 second logical base answer while a woman might...
  18. G00WZ

    Unrealistic Expectations

    Unrealistic expectations from women....Okay how about everytime one has told not just me but any man to get in touch with feminine side. Men are meant to act like men. You don't really ever see men telling women to get in touch with their masculine side or having those kinds of expectations...