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  1. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    How can you choose something you know nothing about of course he gave us his word so we would know him. But that does not address the topic of the election. the misunderstanding of the election as seen here. not one of these replies have said the election are the first that chose Christ Eph 1:12
  2. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    Thank you for demonstrating you do not understand the election apparently you don't understand the King's Men and the first fruits somehow you think that applies to you I would agree based on these replies the people are making up their own definition of the election it is clearly written they...
  3. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    The election and predestination are not the same as you imply. Eph 1:12 the election are those that first trusted Christ. It is because they first trusted Christ that they are predestined. But if you're going to dress the election you have to address who first trusted Christ
  4. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    You are not addressing the election at all you're making up your own definition. in Ephesians 1:12 they are the first who trusted Christ that's not you or anyone reading this post address who trusted Christ first. As far as the rest of your message you left out repentance man is required to...
  5. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    You are not addressing the election at all. you're making up your own definition in Ephesians 1:12 they are the first who trusted Christ that's not you or anyone reading this post address who first trusted Christ that's your election
  6. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    The topic is the election You are not addressing the election at all in Ephesians 1:12 they are the first who trusted Christ address the topic of first who trusted Christ the election
  7. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    You are not addressing the election at all you're making up your own definition. In Ephesians 1:12 they are the first who trusted Christ that's not anyone who is alive today we are to put on as the election. If you're not going to read the message please don't respond
  8. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    You are not addressing the election at all you're making up your own definition in Ephesians 1:12 they are the first who trusted Christ that's not you
  9. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    Nice Babble but not biblical. I suggest you go back and read my original post to get it biblically right. Your works follow you and are judged and given proper reward. You all seem to confuse works for reward with works for salvation
  10. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    Grace is given to all men everywhere to believe and repent.
  11. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    You forgot repentance no one is saved without repenting Luke 13:3
  12. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    Or it could be said that the King chose his men because they acceoted Him first.
  13. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    Thank you for demonstrating you do not understand the election apparently you don't understand the King's Men and the first fruits somehow you think that applies to you
  14. Medad

    U Misunderstand God Election

    We all know who is the king of Kings and Lord of lords. (Rev 19:16) What king did not have the Kings knights? the king's concubines? The Kings chosen group? stenographers and Messengers to carry out the Kings will? Keep that thought in mind. "See, I have set before thee this day life and good...
  15. Medad

    Repentance: A Call from Jesus

    "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.' Rev 14:13 *Who will render to every man according to his deeds:' Rom 2:6 (KJV)...
  16. Medad

    I would like some perspectives on Revelation.

    The entire Bible including the Book of Revelation, some would say especially The Book of Revelation, records symbolism, metaphors, analogies, parables, visions, parathetical chapters, sub-scriptions, Acrostics, etc. both on a spiritual level and physical that always translates to a litetal...
  17. Medad

    Repentance: A Call from Jesus

    "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Jesus Luke 13:3 (KJV) Jesus was emphatic "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Jesus Luke 13:5 (KJV) God made a covenant with man and whomsoever chooses to accept HIS WORD and repents...
  18. Medad

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, gen 2 17
  19. Medad

    EVIDENCE OF GOD not Circular Reasoning

    You're making a false assumption. I guess you didn't understand what was written Islam declares moses the greatest prophet and they declare Jesus a great prophet too. Now these prophets declared and recorded Gods Word, As God gave them, they are the hebrews, Israelites, Jews are the first hand...