Seriously!?? How dumb can u be!?? Less guns in the hands of honest citizens= more crime! Criminals don't need guns to do harm. Most legal gun owners are also SAFE gun owners!
I've been sewing, painting, babysitting, cooking, cleaning, reading, playing guitar, working outside, eating, sleeping...
Pretty much no different than before 😁
Plus I work at a cafeteria so, I'm essential lol!
Then I feel sorry for you. I wouldn't want to be you when Jesus asks for an accounting of your life. A child is a child. Those who have raped others will pay the price for their evil deeds. The CHILD SHOULD NOT!
You forget the CHILD'S right to live! It has no say over how he/she is conceived. Killing a harmless, defenseless baby is the same as MURDERING A CHILD OR ADULT and should be treated the same!