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  1. brighthouse98

    Will Jesus "Second coming" present as a woman this time?

    Jesus is not a transgender person. I personally cannot believe that question.
  2. brighthouse98

    Mental Health Issues

    Experience I have found is the best teacher, reading is good, but living the truth that is where you find out who you really are.
  3. brighthouse98

    Mental Health Issues

    Society or the World as a whole was thought to think with their feeling, the markets also lean that way in most cases as well bro. There are as I see it two kinds of discipline that which is taught by the world as I learned being in Special Forces. Those chosen for this assignment have their...
  4. brighthouse98

    ~Concerned Citizens~

    Latest news France just spent 3 days with China. Another words if Tiwan is attacked France and Europe will be little help if any at all! I never liked France and I sure never trusted them! Biden and his administration will sink us like the Bismark sank the Hood in World War 2. As Bingo says...
  5. brighthouse98

    Mental Health Issues

    2 Tim 1:7 Some Bible's instead of calling this a sound mind refer to discipline instead. Now the question, if it is possible to have metal illness being a believer? And if so then this verse is a lie. No excuses. I want to be very fair here. Having flaws is just part of our human nature, but if...
  6. brighthouse98

    To think with Gods leading, to do His wishes

    Very Nice ebdesroches, also (Rom 8:14-16!)
  7. brighthouse98

    Am I a prophet 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠

    Many of us have various gifts from Holy Spirit, we do not decide what to be called however, the Church does. Many can as Holy Spirit wills prophesy, but that does not make us a prophet. Many can as Holy Spirit wills and leads heal another by Faith, this does not make that person an Apostle. ONLY...
  8. brighthouse98

    The Gun Thread

    Billy Woods is my kind of guy!! What a dandy he is!!! Guns do not kill on their own, someone must control that weapon! It is not the laws which should change but rather the people who must start paying the price for killing people!!! And parents as well!!! a 12-year-old child murders???? What...
  9. brighthouse98

    I seem hindered in drawing near to God.

    Brother Ronnie You are not alone in this, but I can help you not only be heard by the Lord but also receive an answer from the Lord! First let's look at a person in the Bible who had problems such as yourself. (Daniel 10:10-14) Now how did Daniel finally receive his answer??? Notice for 21...
  10. brighthouse98

    Does God forgive anything--ex: homosexuals?

    What some have to remember is that Jesus is not a hobby. What we do matters in both word as well as deed. If one is going to be a witness to our living Lord Jesus, then be a witness! Otherwise, be a heathen! Jesus does not tolerate lukewarm believers. (Rev 3:16) This warning is not to spank...
  11. brighthouse98

    Does God forgive anything--ex: homosexuals?

    Sister Lynnie, Before Jesus, I was not a nice person, I was very much a street person, and you know what that means! After Jesus saved me in a mop closet in college (Long story in it self!! LOL) I like you thought how to witness? These people who I called ah so called friends are never going to...
  12. brighthouse98

    Have a heart!

    My heart is now like a sprinkler, I have 9 stents in my heart!!
  13. brighthouse98

    25 killed in Mississippi, 1 killed in Alabama tornadoes; many in hospital

    So sorry for your loss rompal! The Tornado was rated an f4 it stayed on the ground for an hour and 10 min!!! That is unprecedented. As a storm chaser myself some of my buddies are out there now looking to help those poor souls in Silver Springs and Rolling Fork, the winds were around 200 miles...
  14. brighthouse98

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Poor joe got into a car accident and died and went to heaven, Peter was there to greet him as he was standing in a clock room, Joe asked Peter what all the clocks are for, Peter said' well every time someone sins the clock moves, so joe noticed many of his friends there, but he didn't see Ben's...
  15. brighthouse98

    Last night's dream and today

    Most people believe that the Word of knowledge only comes from other people, but as we find out the Lord can give that word of knowledge in a dream or vision. And sometimes as in brother Learner case he also received wisdom with it! Very cool to me!
  16. brighthouse98

    Ready To Go!

    CABMAN 50 Amen to the LOVINGKINESS of the Lord in your scripture in Psalms! We can be assured of one thing, we are much closer to the end then at the beginning! And if we truly believe this, then consider this, an angel of the Lord comes to you and says to you that you have one week left to...
  17. brighthouse98

    When a blessing turns your life around.

    Brother John, thanks so much for the Lord (1 Thess 5:18) It matters not how one gets the Lord's attention, the point is you got it!!! The Spirit of the Lord is most strong on me as I write, a fine example of the disciples doing the same thing is found in (Matt 8:25!!) Sometimes I have found the...
  18. brighthouse98

    Recommendations for Improving Small Groups

    Brother RideDMC, When Jesus roamed the earth as a human who beside him was in charge?? Correct No ONE! Do you know why?? Because he knew the best person to represent him was himself! He did not need anyone to speak on his behalf and neither do you! He had a loyal 11 people who after he left...
  19. brighthouse98

    I'm really struggling to see God's purpose for me..

    The final step is in LIVING this out!!! (James 1:22) and boy oh boy watch people betray and turn on you!!! But HEY!!! Jesus was betrayed so we will to. It's sad of course but everyone who lives will be betrayed somewhere down the line. The difference is. we overcome adversity. because our Jesus...
  20. brighthouse98

    Lost a bit

    Welcome!!! Brother Saigado!! First off you are partly correct. (Psalm 118:8) However you should NEVER!!!!! have fear!!!! Because our Lord never gave you a spirit of fear, notice this brother!!! Fear is governed by a spirit!!!( 2 Tim 1:7) But rather of POWER and LOVE and best of all a SOUND...