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  1. R

    Can't wait for the tribulation to start

    Not yet, but soon. God is now revealing the end of the age. His words have been there all along, in the Bible, but no one could see them. We now know with certainty that this is the season. Still He hides the day and the hour, but to those who can see, His return for His children in the Body of...
  2. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    This is very straight forward. Agrippa as a Roman ruler and nothing to do with the Jews and had no idea what Paul believed or if it was even different from what Peter believed. You assume too much in thinking he did as there is no indication of such a thing. Since Peter, James, and the rest...
  3. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    So because words are absent in the Bible means other words in the not in the Bible must be true? Sources you read from Christianity paint their own picture and there are many more things they say that do not align with the Bible or history. The Bible facts and the timing tell a different...
  4. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    I'm sure. One must always discern and test the spirits to know if they are from God. Everyone inherently knows right from wrong and good from evil. This knowledge is in all people. Every person born into this world knows enough to judge themselves according to a standard contained in their...
  5. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    This is what the Bible says regardless of the label someone might attach to it. I do not follow a religion or a theology, just the Bible. There is much more behind it all that your post does not say, but essentially, with God's Spirit given to man, God turned the page to the new era of Grace...
  6. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    No. As mentioned, I am a child of God in the Body of Christ without affiliation. You have not heard me say such a thing. The discussion began with the tithe. Answering questions, we wound up here. I will gladly continue our discussion, or just stop responding. True. Christianity is a second...
  7. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    There is the broad road and the narrow Gate. There are those who will never turn to God. Many will do their religious works in the name of a false Jesus. God through Paul does present election and calling. God does know who will turn to Him and who will not. The problem is that religion decides...
  8. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    No. Calvinist's go in a very different direction. God's message to man does say elect, predestinated, called, chosen, foreknown, and the rest- over 70 times in Paul's letters. Would you call God a Calvinist? Nowhere does God in Christ through Paul say anything about missions for all and everyone...
  9. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    Again, this is a single event without other scripture support to suggest it is a permanent fixture in the Age of Grace. This is Paul coming to the aid of the Jews in poverty, not a for all and ever command. If such a command applied to all people of all time, you would see other corroboration in...
  10. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    No. You have been repeatedly told these things in religion and mostly in Evangelicalism. The concept that everyone must evangelize the world does not appear anywhere in the Bible. It is a creation of some Christian sects. You will not find anything of the sort in God's message to man through the...
  11. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    If you will read my post... The word Christian appears only three times in the entire Bible, not the word Gentiles. Gentile Christianity and Gentile Christians do not appear in the Bible. As mentioned, after Acts 9 the story turns to Paul and the Gentiles and away from the Jews and Peter's...
  12. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    It doesn't say that either. Find a verse that says such a thing. Church, tabernacles, cathedrals, altars were all done away with in God's Gift of His indwelling Spirit and our relationship with Him as His children. There is no place to go because God is with us and in us always as we are each...
  13. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    God in this New Age of Grace took everything out of the way including giving money. In this age we are not governed by anything except God's one and only bullet point He gives to us today through Paul: Salvation By God's Grace Through Our Faith. It is such a simple message that has been so...
  14. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    You are correct! In the 30 plus year ministries of Peter, Paul, James, John, Jude and the rest, no one ever called themselves, their followers, or their church "Christian." The word Christian appears in the entire Bible only three times. In all cases, it applied to the Jews who believed Jesus...
  15. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    Everything mentioned above was local and localized to the Jews of Peter's Jewish only church who fell into poverty. Nothing applies for all time and eternity to the Body of Christ or Gentile Christianity that decides it does. This does not exist in the scripture. You are reading things into...
  16. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    As mentioned earlier in this blog, the Jews of Peter's only Jewish church gave all for the common good and awaited for Christ's return, ....which did not happen. These Jews in the early chapters of Acts soon ran out of resources and fell into poverty. Paul took a collection for these Jewish...
  17. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    Peter was always in the old era and never in the new era nor did he ever have the indwelling Spirit of God. He never spoke of the indwelling Spirit, God's Grace, salvation of the Gentiles, or God's adoption of the Gentiles. Had Peter the indwelling Spirit, what he wrote would have sounded like...
  18. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    ______________________________ ... And when did that happen? and who were those people? and when did God give the gift of His Spirit. The Apostle Paul and the Body of Christ did not exist until Acts 9. Until then, it was the Jews in the old era under the law, Acts 1-9. Nothing in these earlier...
  19. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    Are you talking to me or a different poster?? ________________________________________________ ...or disciple, evangelize, church, water baptize, or worship. All were done away when God sent the world in an entirely new direction with His gift of the indwelling Spirit. We no longer have a law...
  20. R

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    No, you. Find a verse in God's new gospel to man in the new Age of Grace that commands or instructs the Gentile Body of Christ to give money to God.