Anyway we are deviating from the original topic. I will not be voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they both have a history of supporting crime bills that hurt African American communities
Kamala Harris actually laughed about putting people in jail for weed
if you have not heard...
Meh..... It's just a crazy conspiracy theory there will never be a mandatory chip because that would violate body autonomy which would be unconstitutional
Yeah there's a reason why theocratic countries are the worst places on Earth when it comes to things like basic human rights
Imagine putting a woman in jail because she spoke in church.
But anyway I will not be voting for Joe Biden because he has a history of supporting racist legislation
Kamala Harris was a prosecutor in California who actually laughed about locking people up over weed
I will probably do the same thing I did last election and just write someone in just so I...
Dr. Martin Luther King said rioting is the voice of an unheard people
While I don't condone violence and destruction of property, there comes a point when the people say enough is enough when the police won't stop with the Gestapo tactics
Yeah if I wanted theocracy I would move to Saudi Arabia. There are over 11,000 words in the Constitution. None of which are God Jesus or Bible
That means you don't get to use a religion to infringe on someone's rights
And since Harris does not meet the constitutional criteria for President or Vice-President, it is about time someone shipped this wicked witch back to Jamaica.
THIS IS BIG: Legal Expert Claims Kamala Harris Doesn’t Qualify for Vice Presidency – She’ll Have To Be Replaced
"But surprisingly...
No it's because during the shutdown there were fewer people out spending cash so there's less cash in circulation right now. Eventually the problem will correct itself