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  1. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    You couldn't be more wrong. Our country was intended to be a secular Nation If I wanted a theocracy I would move to Saudi Arabia
  2. Dude653

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    What rights have you lost under Democrats?
  3. Dude653

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Meanwhile conservatives only care about the child while it's in the womb.
  4. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    Trying to deny same-sex couples the right to marry In Alabama they try to pass a law that said a woman can get life in prison if she aborts her rapists baby Supreme Court stepped in and said nope
  5. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    I love how Christians in America pretend to be persecuted even though they're the majority
  6. Dude653

    The Pope Condones Same Sex Marriage

    Yeah I don't even care about that. I just want them to stop protecting child molesters
  7. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    Yeah gay people have rights in this country so get over it We're not a theocracy that's why I don't vote Republican by the way because they want to turn America into the Christian version of Afghanistan
  8. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    Right because the guy who bragged about grabbing woman's genitals is totally the epitome of Christian values
  9. Dude653

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    Reasons why Trump lost the election Blowing off science and doctors during a pandemic Remember when he hired that which doctor to promote a covid drug? Failure to display a modicum of professional decorum and acting like a toddler he lost the entire State of Arizona for disrespecting a Vietnam...
  10. Dude653

    Democratic Party USA

    Speaking of Nazi Germany, it was the Vatican who helped smuggle Nazi war criminals out of Germany the biggest reason I don't vote Republican is Republicans don't seem to understand the concept of separation of church and state also they're the ones who keep pushing bat poop crazy conspiracy...
  11. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    Yeah because he ran against the most idiotic president in history I mean he hired a witch doctor to promote a covid drug for God's sake Trump lost the entire State of Arizona after he disrespected John McCain
  12. Dude653

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    Breaking news. A bunch of idiots spreading covid-19
  13. Dude653

    Truckers say they're going to take America back on November 29th

    There was no fraud. The cult of the great orange one can't accept defeat
  14. Dude653

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    Yeah the votes are in. It's all over but the paperwork The great orange one has two months to pack his bags
  15. Dude653

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Oops typo. I meant to say ultimately it goes to supreme Court so the president really doesn't have any say in the matter this is because supreme Court is the final authority on what he is or is it constitutional
  16. Dude653

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    ultimately that goes to supreme Court so the person that really doesn't have much say in it
  17. Dude653

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Abortions were already legal under Trump so I don't see any difference
  18. Dude653

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Personally I think it will be a refreshing change to have a president who can behave with some professional decorum instead of acting like a drunk toddler
  19. Dude653

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    The votes are in. Trump lost