This thing infected the entire planet within 3 months
It's not a hoax
Also I can't think of any scenario in which deliberately harming the economy makes any sense
It wouldn't make any sense for China to deliberately release a virus that would cripple the economy of their biggest customer
the u.s. dollar is the most valuable currency worldwide and it wouldn't make any sense to deliberately cripple it
also vaccines are not the mark of the beast in saying so...
Yeah the rest of the world is recovering well in America covid continues to spread like wildfire
America is the only first world country where at least half the population believes science isn't a real thing
Careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge over there
Also why shouldn't a certain demographic of people have the same rights that you do?
Here's the thing that annoys me about a lot of Christians
you do the exact same thing you criticize Muslims for. you try to force your religious values...
Of course I believe that black lives matter and of course I believe that police officers who break the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
But dang near burning down entire cities over violent criminals is asinine
I hate to break it to you but if you're the majority in your country you are not persecuted
As for gay marriage, supreme Court ruled that its their constitutional right
In this country will be make laws based on the Constitution, not the Bible
first whatever trucking companies they work for should fire them for not doing their job
Then they should be arrested
I'm pretty sure blocking freeways is a felony