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  1. G

    The Ukraine Thread

    the last thing that the media wants to do is inform you.
  2. G

    Cross dressing problems

    many of us ( me included ) are not good at serving Christ with our minds.
  3. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    this is the big difference - us infowarriors think the masses will never wake up, Q thinks they will.
  4. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    the great reset is underway right now. i think nuclear war could start and you guys would still say " the white hats have it under control'.
  5. G

    Donald Trump is a one-trick pony

    it is impossible for me to see how any Christ follower can be a dem.
  6. G

    Are the medical and dental systems corrupt?

    trust to a point, but verify all the way.
  7. G

    What do you recommend as a response to invasion of Ukraine

    just controlled opposition.
  8. G

    The plan to destroy America

    ragan meant well, but did a lot of things that later went bad, this was one. giving iraq weapons to fight iran , which eventually led to 9 11 and the mess that the middle east is in now.
  9. G


    as much as we disagree elsewhere, i agree with you 100% on this.
  10. G

    What do you recommend as a response to invasion of Ukraine

    many americans has a ugly anti-america streak.
  11. G

    It may not be over yet.

    covid- overblown overcounted hoax. governments around the world ( especially yours) used a stronger version of the flu for a power grab.
  12. G

    The plan to destroy America

    you should spend more, and learn truth. Bible truth and world truth.
  13. G

    Speak Your Mind.

    if things glitch, keep calm and carry on!
  14. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    infowars keeps pointing out that the globalists are winning, and things are going to get worse. and they are. Q keeps saying that the good guys are winning and the white hats are in control. and is not happening.
  15. G

    A prayer for our leaders...

  16. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Q is a fraud. deep state is in firm control. using russia as a distraction to move away from covid. only a pause. late this summer, or early fall. covid comes back with the eyes on mail in ballots for mid-terms.