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  1. Aidan1


    HisKid, to vaccine has nothing to do with guilt. If you have no biologie and medical Background then you should better be calm. Then to spread disinformation about something you dont understand. If you want to fight a virus, then you must have a minimum 85% vaccined people. More is of course...
  2. Aidan1


    Nehemia6, sorry to say it so harsh, you wrote nonsense. As in other threads you have no Single proof for your claimes. The vaccines have nothing to do with satan. If so, then you have to reject all kind of medicine, all doctors and all hospitals.
  3. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    No problem, I said why I am shure that Paul is the 12. Apostle. Revealation 21,14
  4. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    Where I have said he was no apostle? I only mentioned the different between Paul and him.
  5. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    This is correct, Matthias was add to the eleven. And was acceptet among them. But, and this is my assumption, he was choosen by men. Even when God gave his yes to Him. Paul was choosen by God himself. As the first 11 also was. Thats makes for me the difference. Thats why I would count him as...
  6. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    This is your assumption. You have no proof for that. I have no proof for my assumption. This why I said the solution for this question we will know when we are in the eternity. But not before. :-)
  7. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    He cant numbered Matthias. He was not elected in the time when Jesus appered to them all.
  8. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    Well, the 12 can be also a certain designation, even when they are f.e. eleven. So could he ment the time after resurraction when he appears in a room where all where gathered except Thomas. And a week later with Thomas. Matthias was before Jesus gone to heaven, not elected. So he cant be the...
  9. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    It is no matter i reject Matthias as Apostle or not. Its the matter how the Lord is seeing it. Jesus did through Paul miracles if it is reportet from Peter and others. It is to notice that Matthias never again was mentioned in the bible. He may be an apostle like others out of the 11 too. But...
  10. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    You are mentioning a man made Standart. Acts is giving report about the beginning of the church. Not everything what is written down is expression the will of God, even it is the word of God. So the reaction of the 11, to search conditions for to elect someone to fill the 12th place. But it is...
  11. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    Aaron 56, with or without Matthias the Holy Spirit has came. Your writing can be interpretet that you will say: the election from Matthias was a fullfilling of a condition, that the Holy Spirit could come. You can be the meaning that Paul is not one of the 12. I believe that he is one of the 12...
  12. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    Thats right, but to elect someone instead of Judas was the decision of Man. Understandable, but no order of the Lord. The election of Paul was directly from the Lord. Also is to consider, that Matthias later never was mentioned in the bible again.
  13. Aidan1

    "Christians must resist all COVID-19 restrictions. Here’s why"

    How you will know what is right and wrong? And who makes false accusations?
  14. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    Apostles are missionaries, they are doing the same. What you mean with " explain mysteries" ?
  15. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    But this you cant compare. Paul is the only one who was electet from God, as the other 11.
  16. Aidan1

    Neither James (the Lord’s brother), Barnabas, Timothy or Silvanus were counted among The Twelve...

    I would say that he replaced Judas iskarioth. Matthias election was based on the will of the Eleven, but not from God so far. While Pauls call was from the Lord itself.
  17. Aidan1

    "Christians must resist all COVID-19 restrictions. Here’s why"

    I dont tell your country what is has to do. Your founders made a very good paper!!. But if it only stands on the paper it has no much value. The word of God says clear how to handle with the goverment. I dont need to do this. What Nehemiah6 did is a call for disobidience against the goverment...
  18. Aidan1

    "Christians must resist all COVID-19 restrictions. Here’s why"

    It would be better to put this theme to the conspiracy forum. This theme is made for split Christians. It is not an question to a believer to take the vaccine or not. It is nothing wrong with saying yes or no. Both the vaccine and the virus can take your life or health. We must resist the sin...
  19. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    When german Police is acting against people who break the law you call them fascist. When American Police is acting against people who break theclaw you call fascist, too?