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  1. star

    Not By Works

    For those who cling to "works" salvation, one of the most beautiful and hopeful things I read this morning was that nothing, no one, no powers to be can take us away from God. We are sealed by His HS and forever His whenever we accept His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior.
  2. star

    Not By Works

    I'm a sinner saved by the Grace, Mercy of God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. I have no idea why God loves me but I'm so very grateful He does.
  3. star

    Not By Works

    I see such on this site.
  4. star

    Not By Works

    Without the work on the Cross done by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, there would be no salvation for anyone
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    Not By Works

  6. star

    Not By Works

    Work has nothing to do with our salvation. The only reason we have access to salvation is because of the mercy of God Almighty. Through His Son Jesus Christ, God gave humanity another chance. Salvation is our gift and all the work for it was done on the Cross.
  7. star

    Not By Works

    This thread has shown me much about how the Words of God can be twisted, taken out of context, used to support personal agendas. Also the judgmental, holier than thouers. I've learned quite a bit.
  8. star

    Not By Works

    Who said we were not to work or to obey Jesus? Work because we want to do for Him. Obey as best we can, which we can only do by the Holy Spirit within us. What we cannot do is to work to "keep our salvation." What we cannot do is to obey Him under our own strength 24/7. The most important...
  9. star

    Not By Works

    Oh now I see. You are one of those on here to believes one must work daily to keep their salvation. As for Dr. Stanley, I admire his humility and his words he speaks directly from the Word of God
  10. star

    Not By Works

    Judgmental posts do not support the Grace of God. I won't be standing in front of someone who claims to live the perfect life yet judges the heart of another. Praise God no other human being can determine my fate.
  11. star

    Not By Works

    Do you know such a person?
  12. star

    Not By Works

    This thread is the best thread that has ever been started on this site.
  13. star

    Not By Works

    What do you call a person who claims to live a sinless life 24/7?
  14. star

    Not By Works

    What a mess this world is coming to. For those of you who believe in "works" for and to keep salvation, what have you been doing lately?
  15. star

    Not By Works

    Talk about works, the devil is doing the utmost in these days to bring out all of the forces of evil.
  16. star

    Not By Works

    I thought about how I could work for my salvation, keeping my salvation this morning and just could not come up with anything permanent. Praise God my salvation is from the gift of love God offered me and the Seal of the HS once I accepted. There is no other but God Almighty and His Son Jesus...
  17. star

    Not By Works

    A troll can only add an X -
  18. star

    Not By Works

    How hard those must work who believe the salvation given to them by God almighty through the ultimate sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ can be lost. What security do they have? None.
  19. star

    Abundant Life

    Abundant life: Living in trust of God no matter our circumstances. Rising above our circumstances
  20. star

    Abundant Life

    Good answers everyone. Being human, I often think when a Christian speaks of an abundant life, the material emphasis will come into play. Having a mind, soul, spirit united with the HS IMO is true abundant life. Money, material things cannot buy that kind of peace.