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  1. mustaphadrink

    Whats your spiritual gift?

    A thirst after the truth
  2. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Your first paragraph is not a protrayal of the New Testament Church. One of its attractions for women was the way they were treated with deference and honour. And your last sentence is comple bunkum as to the leadership of the NTC. Nowhere in scripture does it say one qualifies to be an elder...
  3. mustaphadrink

    Whats your spiritual gift?

    Everything gets confused easily when you depart from the teaching of scripture. As we can see the church is based today on man's denominational interpretation of the bible, not the bible itself. In most churches, the pastor is the teacher, the administrator, the shepherd, the evangelist, the...
  4. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    No one has said they weren't.
  5. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    And what has that got to do with the leadership of the church?
  6. mustaphadrink

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Do youn know why the right is called the right and why the left is called the left? The right is called the right because they are usually right and the left is called the left because they always leave common sense at the door.
  7. mustaphadrink

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Having a degree in Politcs and Social Science, of course the post is of interest to me. As I read, I thought how stupid satan is. He is out there causing havoc, breaking down families and communities and trying to convince the world that he is control because he is in charge of perversion and he...
  8. mustaphadrink

    Whats your spiritual gift?

    My gift is teaching which was given by prophecy from four different men in four different meetings, at four different times. I wasn't seeking it but after that experience and the fact that my understanding of scripture expanded dramatically, how could I say no. You will find that the gifted...
  9. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    That is you point of view but you have not given us an exegesis of the passage involved. So we have to guess and as I don't do that, so what you say is not very helpful.
  10. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    As is usual in a discussion of this type, all sorts of verses are bandied about to justify the ministry of women. Those that do, usually ignore Paul's instructions to Timothy and Titus re the matter. I do not believe that you can make any decision regarding this until you understand Paul's...
  11. mustaphadrink

    Calvinists are preaching a false message .

    Ha, ha. So people who are not Jews do not need to repent and be baptised. Never heard that one before.
  12. mustaphadrink

    The Best Western European Culture

    I don't make decisions based on assumptions as it is the worst form of decision making. And as I am autistic, I can't read beween the lines.
  13. mustaphadrink

    Calvinists are preaching a false message .

    For your informationj, most churches are preaching a false message whether they be calvanists or armenian and it has nothing at all to do with what side of the fence they are preaching. If they preach all you need to do is to accept jesus into your heart they are preaching a false message. The...
  14. mustaphadrink

    Calvinists are preaching a false message .

    Simply beautiful. Well done.
  15. mustaphadrink

    The Best Western European Culture

    The best western european county is one that bans abortion.
  16. mustaphadrink

    The World is watching us, what do they see?

    I don't know where you have been lately Blik, but you will find a lot of scripture in my posts. I work to a rule when studying anything to start with scripture and then work out from there. Or what I say is an explanation of scripture.
  17. mustaphadrink


    This man seems to have the right qualities and attitude in his ministry and that is probably why he did so well in fulfilling his ministry. Now all he needs is a body of Elders to fulfil their ministry and who knows what the outcome would be?
  18. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Read my response to your last post.
  19. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    No record of that in the history books.