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  1. Didymous

    Air fryer?

  2. Didymous

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Hint: 18 letters.
  3. Didymous

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

  4. Didymous

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's incorrect.
  5. Didymous

    Strange question: Family curse?

    C'mon! Joe kennedy was the only curse on his family.
  6. Didymous

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Good to see you as well, sir! :cool:
  7. Didymous

    Is this how we're saved?

    Don't let anyone confuse you by adding to the finished work of Jesus.
  8. Didymous


  9. Didymous

    Something You are Thankful For

    I'm thankful for the patience of God, for I am strong-willed.
  10. Didymous

    Rich people out of touch

    Of course they are, and it's always been that way. The world makes them think they're special. God is no respecter of persons.
  11. Didymous

    R u a good listener?

    Yes, yes, and yes.
  12. Didymous

    Are there any more Arizona peeps?

    I drove through there once, and I only saw one person. Was that you? :cool:
  13. Didymous

    Last person to post wins!!!

    I dont know how many time I already won this, y'all!! :cool:
  14. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    beautiful!!! just kidding. I dont know if i would like that. Same question.
  15. Didymous

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    What's the longest name in the bible? :cool:
  16. Didymous

    Midnight Confessions

    Nice to see you as well, sir!
  17. Didymous

    How far away are you willing to date?

    I went from Oregon to Arkansas to date my double ex.
  18. Didymous

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Boaz. :cool:
  19. Didymous

    Rap Name

    People already call me Big T, so I guess that would be mine. :cool:
  20. Didymous

    Midnight Confessions

    I am sometimes angry with God, and I argue with Him. He always wins, of course. :cool: