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  1. L


    When the Holy Spirit comes into the equation, we are then enlightened, and subsequently refined, if so we choose to be. We are then either saved by Gods grace that refines those of us who choose to be refined, or we are not saved by Gods grace by those of us who choose not to be refined, rather...
  2. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    I think all the unusual weather throughout the world where the jet stream is all over the place fits in with Isaiah 24:20. Isaiah 24:20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall...
  3. L

    What actually was Jesus saying?

    The generation who see all the events described in the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, will not pass away, before the devils world order on earth comes to an end, and the Lord then commences to reign on earth. This is supposed to occur sometime after the beasts 1,260 day...
  4. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    The Arctic refreezing is now the latest on record.
  5. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    Scientists have now discovered methane starting to release in the Arctic Ocean...
  6. L

    Hello from Rio, Brazil!

    Welcome to the site, and I hope you find the answers you are looking for. Your english is very good.
  7. L


    Adding words like "fallacy of logic" is your disagreement, and without providing any explanation as to why my perspective of Gods grace representing His refining of people is a fallacy of logic. We are saved by grace, having been refined.
  8. L


    How can one be refined by Gods grace, if one keeps adding dross into the mix? The mix will always be polluted, unless one makes themself a living sacrifice, repenting and putting away their worldly carnal sins.
  9. L


    If you disagree with my perspective of Gods grace being where I am refined, maybe then you should provide your own definition for Gods grace, rather than simply disagree.
  10. L


    A basic definition for Grace is that of simple elegance or refinement of movement. By this definition we understand the grace of elegance to be an effect due to a prior cause of being refined. Likewise, if the Grace of God then is our being refined, would our being refined not require some...
  11. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    And I recently read that they want to dump millions of tons of that highly radiated Fukushima water into the ocean.
  12. L

    Works error

    Being known by Jesus the only begotten son of God who is love, means that Love who is God knew them, and they knew love. This is very basic common sense reasoning. How can this be so far beyond so manys comprehension?
  13. L

    Works error

    It is unlikely that there will be a large number of individuals who will respond to the Lord God who knows everything trying to convince Him of a lie that they knew was their own ego. More likely by the context of the passage, these individuals will have believed they were righteous by...
  14. L

    Works error

    That is the point. Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who is Love (1 John 4:8 & 16) will declare never having known them. This is the same as saying that Love never knew them, and therefore these individuals never knew Love, either for God/Love, or for their neighbor, and thus were...
  15. L

    Works error

    A reasonable assessment of someone who prophecies in the name of Jesus, is that that individual supposed the basics of declaring Jesus as Lord and believing that God raised Jesus from the dead. If they did not believe in these basics, they would never have prophesied in Jesus' name in the first...
  16. L

    Works error

    Do you know what declaring with one's mouth the Lord Jesus means? It means declaring what the Lord Jesus declared. Why do think those in Matthew 7:21-23 whom will have declared the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus will declare to them, Him never have known them? It is because they never believed in...
  17. L

    Works error

    Romans 12:1 clearly states to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. And yes I have read Romans as well as the rest of the Bible numerous times, and continue to do so. Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy...
  18. L

    Works error

    I am not saying that at all. I continue to sin here and there, but I know that I need to continue to try to overcome these worldly inclinations, as the Lord in Revelation 2 & 3 tells the churches.
  19. L

    Works error

    My perspective takes all the Word together. I do not cherry pick some some scriptures, while dismissing other scriptures in the Word, so that I may continue in a worldly way. Those who choose this cherry picking way, shall never know the truth, and thereby never be free from their worldly way.
  20. L

    Works error

    Do you wish to reply to me with the basic understanding that we must confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus, and believe in our hearts that God hath raised him from the dead is how we are saved. To confess the Lord Jesus is confess what the Lord Jesus confessed, which is a spiritual life. And...