Do none of you think God gets angry over things like rape and abuse? Does he get less angry than me? NO! His anger, his wrath, is infinitely WORSE than mine! I'm more than glad I won't have to face it on Judgment Day!
And I'm glad I don't have to trust in the church. I have Jesus!
Let me make this clear everyone. I will stand up for the BIBLE, not my own opinions! Even if I have to do it alone, I will defend the innocent and send the wicked over to Satan!
Neither YOU or I get to pick and choose and pick certain parts of the Bible we like and drop the parts we don't like...
Okay. This is something I need to clear up for EVERYONE.
There was a recent article published at The Gospel Coalition titled Beware of Broken Wolves. While I appreciate the notion that we need to beware of wolves, this idea that wolves are broken is something that has permeated the church and...
If you're not even going to look them up, then you've validated my point.
But if you want something imprecatory from the New Testament, check all these out.
Luke 10:10-16; Galatians 1:8; 5:12; 1 Corinthians 16:21-22; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; 2 Timothy 4:14; Revelation 6:10; 19:1-2). Consider...
No, we know why bad things happen. It's because Satan is the prince in this world. Adam and Eve originally had rule over the world, and when they fell, they gave that right to Satan.
In Job (probably the most misunderstood book in the Old Testament) when God says, "All he has is within your...
I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. Some people are just sadists.
I honestly don't know if I can work in such a ministry. I'm easily overwhelmed by empathy, and that tends to make my depression worse.
Still, when I heard about the h*ll of a life my friend across the Atlantic was forced to...
I have a melancholy personality. And like I said, I also have Aspergers and it's sometimes frustrating because I view things differently from others. Ironically I have a hard time emotionally connecting with others, so I often feel lonely.
Ever since I was a baby I've had a heart for people in...
Believe it or not though, sometimes my worst anger is reserved for myself. That I'm not doing enough, that I should know better, that God will get mad at me for demanding that he be just when I should already know his.
Thanks again for understanding.
I don't know if I want to get involved in advocacy. Like I said, I value empathy, but when I experience too much of it I start to get depressed. And now I just feel like an idiot for saying those things.