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  1. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    I do not believe you, nor am I called to believe you. I believe scripture as that is the God given gift to believers.
  2. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    How do you know the Word was made flesh? Who was the Word? How do you know for sure.
  3. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    That is not the topic of the OP. Your statement has no support, and is contra biblical
  4. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Everything we know about God, we only know about because of the gift of scripture as the Spirit opens it to those He has ordained to eternal life.
  5. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    God spoke directly to these believers while revelation was still happening. He has not spoken to you directly as you claim
  6. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Mormons make a similar claim that if you read the book of Mormon you will feel a burning in the bosom. They claim they feel thid but are not yet Christians.
  7. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    You describe an experience of feeling love,before you were saved or knew anything about Jesus. This is doubtful. You can claim whatever you want...but this is not found in scripture
  8. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    What gives you the idea it was His Son? Does God have a Son? What did the Son do? Where do you learn of any of these things
  9. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Why would you run up to a person on the street and hug them or their shadow? Which Jesus are you speaking about? Who is Jesus? What did He do? Is it the Christian Jesus? The Mormon jesus? The JW. Jesus?
  10. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Where do you get the idea that we need grace? Why do we need grace through faith? For what?
  11. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    You do not know any of these things without scripture.
  12. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Sorry,but whatever ordeal you went through or emotional anecdote you are offering,it just is not so
  13. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    You would not know about love,salvation,Heaven ,Hell,God's Holiness,who Jesus is, what He has accomplished. Scripture is given to instruct us and give us all we need to know.
  14. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    How did you hear about this?
  15. Iconoclast

    What do we do with postbiblical revelation?

    There is no such thing as post biblical revelation. We then inform the person.
  16. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    How do you know about this list of great things? Where did Paul say that? Did you hear him say that, or did you read about it?
  17. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    You just How did you learn about forgiveness?
  18. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    Oh I is just you and the Spirit, giving you fresh revelation? God has given the Spirit to open up the scriptures to us. You are not suggesting that the Spirit deals directly with you apart from the written word are you?
  19. Iconoclast

    The Scripture is God's Greatest gift to All Mankind

    I did not understand what you meant, but I will try. Jesus came to earth to save those the Father gave to Him. He took upon a body of flesh so He could die on behalf of His people. So having accomplished redemption, He ascends to His heavenly Throne. When he returns , he will separate the sheep...