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  1. homwardbound

    Some thought about "Jews"

    The way, the truth and the new life offered everyone in the resurrection is the only mediator between God and man. Jesus the Christ Yashua He'Mashiach, in the R'auch Ha'kodesh (Holy Spirit) the only perfect flesh to have ever walked this earth in the flesh. thank you Father Psalm 100:4, 103:12...
  2. homwardbound

    The "God told me to tell you" Phenomenon

    Yes, I see flesh people as wanting to be cookie cutters to others, and get them to be their puppets, and not be seen doing it. I know of a story of a man that got saved in Church one day, went to the altar and wanted Jesus as his lord and savior. The person that was with him in awe, heard the...
  3. homwardbound

    God's Elect: This Ends Any Debate

    You take away, it is once saved by God always saved by God in risen Son. God reveals God, even though one still does wrong, and once sees this unfathomable love to any flesh nature, one changes from inside out, seeing things that are not good for his soul, one leaves these behind willingly by...
  4. homwardbound

    The "God told me to tell you" Phenomenon

    I one day a long time ago ago now, saw Hebrews 5:12- Chapter 6:3 and said to God from within me, I want to see in your timing God, not mine. It has been a long trip here on earth walking off a short pier daily, and I see I do not see, even if see, I still am not qualified, yet God is, especially...
  5. homwardbound

    The "God told me to tell you" Phenomenon

    Thank you, God has the kind Heart as a gift according to Ezekiel 36:26 has accepted, forgiven and sealed us to know truth, then to decide to who we will believe God, self or other selves, that as I have thought I know, and only Father knows as Son so well exposed in his walk here on earth to me...
  6. homwardbound

    The "God told me to tell you" Phenomenon

    As is true with all first born natures, needing to be born new in Father and Son, Son arisen, us getting, being reconciled (Forgiven) by God Father through Son's done work, done once for all in to be in appreciation, not using this for any self gain. Which is the conflict here in this world...
  7. homwardbound

    The "God told me to tell you" Phenomenon

    Okay, God by Son has done what was needed to get done as now done John 1:29 to take away, 19:30 it is finished Whoever, has children, more than one. Does Dad or Mom, go to the other children to tell a certain child something to do or not do? Or do these parents go direct to their children to...
  8. homwardbound

    Genesis To Revelations

    Thanks, and you do the same, we all make mistakes and being willing to learn new daily, has helped me in humility greatly. At first under Law, when under law, that pride stepped in and I went back to Daddy again in prayer and asked is this what you want for me to be proud. I heard nor guilty...
  9. homwardbound

    Baptism should accompany confessions of faith

    Further more, if they had not gotten water Baptized, tell me would they have still been saved ed by God or is God not good on God's promises? I have gone through the rituals and all the worries too, only to be under Law and not see the truth in the risen Son for Mme back then, until revealed to...
  10. homwardbound

    Baptism should accompany confessions of faith

    Precisely, man's wants, man's desires of their first born flesh person. I guess you might not get it, I can do nothing to get be saved, God by Son the two as Won (One) did it once for us all to get along in this love and mercy given to us to appreciate and not judge others, let God do that, if...
  11. homwardbound

    I'm preaching for the first time at my youth group soon.

    So, sorry you are not seeing the word of God able to work through you You are worried okay, maybe read Matt 6 where Jesus asks the ? Will worry add even a moment to your life? It seems to me worry takes away, never adds, it steals, kills and destroys, you will eventually see it one day, since...
  12. homwardbound

    Genesis To Revelations

    I have seen these verses of what went on then. I see I only have the cliff notes and see the failures in everyone revealed there, no one righteous but God. now about God killing, I am not sure of that God doing that. Yet if God did, God to me is the one and only righteous one. God is the potter...
  13. homwardbound

    I'm preaching for the first time at my youth group soon.

    Luke 21:14-15 Matthew 10:16-20, Proverbs 16:1-25 I am saying to you to learn not to make plans and sit quietly to trust God to speak through you and be surprised yourself. Then you will not get boastful over doing good and others hearing you
  14. homwardbound

    Baptism should accompany confessions of faith

    Get water Baptized not for membership or to get others to like you as is done rather as a good conscience between God and you. Go into your Shower privately with the conscience between God and you. If you are called by God spiritually to go into public, then go if not then do not with any wrong...
  15. homwardbound

    Numbers 6:24

    Amen, sealed in truth to see the whole truth for you personally too Accepted, forgiven and sealed to see it, even if in adversities Eph 1:1-13
  16. homwardbound

    A Closer Look at God’s Election

    God has called all, yet not all will believe God's call. Yet each and every soul will have heard and chosen, to be new in God's sight and see are given from my Father in risen Son for us to stand as in Col. 1 tells me and all others also for he went to that cross once for us all to choose yo...
  17. homwardbound

    Among Christian Groups today. Who did not pass this verse?

    the free choice is for us all each personally between God Father and Son as risen where new life as. born new is at from Father for me at least to see in love and mercy to all, that is all folks for me at least. seeing it is God's love that overcame evil once for us all at the cross by his...
  18. homwardbound

    The Call of Abraham! (Gen 12) Our calling too?

    As it all works together in one Body and many parts yes
  19. homwardbound

    Genesis To Revelations

    Therefore if it is you not working anymore, and it is God through you, not you, then you might be at rest, yet that old person flesh still tries to get use of us to work at it doesn't it, thus mistakes made, called being human an excuse today, to me anyways. God makes no mistakes ever...
  20. homwardbound

    Genesis To Revelations

    I from reading thought he died at ge 130, yet I get from internet 175 Toward the end of his life, he sees to it that his son Isaac marries a girl from his own people back in Mesopotamia rather than a Canaanite woman. Abraham dies at the age of 175 and is buried next to Sarah in the cave of...