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  1. mustaphadrink

    Do you view Holy Communion as Literal or Symbolic?

    And many churches today realise that communion is a Roman Catholic exercise that was not ditched at the reformation so they have searched the scriptures and not found any biblical authority for bread and wine communion.
  2. mustaphadrink

    Do you view Holy Communion as Literal or Symbolic?

    A beautiful piece of work Magenta. Just one thing. Jesus did not have long hair.
  3. mustaphadrink

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

  4. mustaphadrink

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    At the time I was not too concerned about pagans being deceived.
  5. mustaphadrink

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I hope I am not being arrogant but that is rather a silly comment.
  6. mustaphadrink

    Do we stress baptism enough?

    The fact is every denomination has faulty interpretations. Being a denomination is a faulty interpretation so the moment you step inside the building you are encompassing a faulty interpretation. I am surprised that some churches are not named "Faulty Towers."
  7. mustaphadrink

    Do we stress baptism enough?

    I am not sure there is any value in relying to a post like this because it is answering questions I never asked.
  8. mustaphadrink

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    My own personal experience was this. I was saved in a Baptist church and was brought up in same. Our youth group which I was deputy leader of used to meet on Friday evenings for prayer. One Friday we were all knelt at our seats and were praying as normal. Quite out of the blue I started praying...
  9. mustaphadrink

    Do we stress baptism enough?

    Any of them. Everyone I have watched I have enjoyed.
  10. mustaphadrink

    Do we stress baptism enough?

    I don't know what PC is.
  11. mustaphadrink

    Do we stress baptism enough?

    We must be careful we do not get too pedantic about baptism. I was saved whilst attending a Baptist church so of course I was baptised the Baptist way. Many years later I learn't a different meaning to baptism when attending a charismatic Brethren Church and decided to be baptised again...
  12. mustaphadrink

    Do we stress baptism enough?

    Andre Rieu, Now you are talking. Never miss a concert of his on TV.
  13. mustaphadrink

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    This an interesting thread because anything that is not "balanced" is deemed heretical. I am very fortunate that I have been exposed to Baptist, Methodist, Evangelical, Anglican, Brethren, Charismatic Brethren and Pentecostal. So you might say I indulged in liquorice allsorts. There are some...
  14. mustaphadrink

    Perplexed and feeling alone in church matter

    Still, why do you suppose so many churches seem totally oblivious to the richness of the Bible and God's giftings? One reason I have seen is that they are afraid of "offending" or scaring newcomers away. Understandable, but sad. The thoughts during my first exposure to churches that are open...
  15. mustaphadrink

    Perplexed and feeling alone in church matter

    If you care to study church history as I have, you will soon discover that the modern day Christians aren't into anything. I read an article a few weeks ago that said the biggest barrier to Christians knowing God is the church. The requirements of their salvation is to go to church Sunday...
  16. mustaphadrink

    Are the medical and dental systems corrupt?

    I always feel a bit down in the mouth if I have to go to the dentist. I find the best time to go and see the dentist is tooth hurtee.
  17. mustaphadrink

    Are the medical and dental systems corrupt?

    No one can answer your question because it is such a sweeping statement which is a catch all that cannot be verified. All I know is that in the country I live my wife and I are looked after by a very caring and well informed doctor that has given me no reason to distrust. The few times that I...
  18. mustaphadrink

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Why wouldn't I say so if that is the fact? I have no intention in saying things to say "look at me."
  19. mustaphadrink

    Is God Moving In Ukraine?

    Ten minutes ago I read a report from a very reliable source that the Ukrainian Bible Society who are giving aid to people and helping house bound old people that people are asking for a copy of the Bible as well as food and water. That auger's well for a spiritual response in a time of need...
  20. mustaphadrink

    Is God Moving In Ukraine?

    Most of your comments are irrelevant to the question.