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  1. P

    the Sabbath

    Yes! Amen. "believing in Christ" is the Sabbath Rest of The NC. As per Hebrews 4
  2. P

    the Sabbath

    so once you reach that stage then you can be a witness to Us and the right to tell us how to get to that stage.
  3. P

    the Sabbath

    Jesus kept All commandments without failing in any point. Have you reach that stage yet?
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    the Sabbath

    What? consequence of being saved how? A saved person must be "like" Jesus in likeness..1John
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    the Sabbath

    yes and that's the New Covenant Way of the Spirit of God Not the old way of the letter of the Law.
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    the Sabbath

    that doesn't sound right;, "we dont keep Gods Law to be saved' On the contrary, We keep Gods Law to saved otherwise you still be a sinner and a Lawbreaker.
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    the Sabbath

    so as you've mentioned Christ came to Fulfill the Law. Now you're trying to fulfill the same Law apart from Him, instead you must seek to know Christ for Him to come live within you so the Law He fulfilled be fulfill in You.
  8. P

    the Sabbath

    Same here as do Paul as an Apostle of Christ appointed by Him for the Gentiles
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    the Sabbath

    Paul was sent by Christ to preach His message. No difference in the message its the same message as what Christ Preach. Our lack of understanding is the problem.
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    the Sabbath

    You reject The Apostle Pauls writing you reject Christ teachings.
  11. P

    the Sabbath

    Both the Old way (letter) and the New Way (Spirit) Paul never omitted the first greatest commandment of "Loving God", its our understanding is the problem. To Love God is to "believe" in His Son Jesus Christ. Paul preaches Christ to Us so that we may "believe ", and that's the "first" greatest...
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    the Sabbath

    The 10 are be able to keep under these commandments of Love God and Neighbours
  13. P

    the Sabbath

    its the Holy Spirit that teaches us not any man. As i mentioned before the Sabbath commandment is only be able to keep under the NC way Not the Old way. You seems Not be able to dinguish the two hence why we keep going like this.
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    the Sabbath

    we can qualify teach others if we ourselves have accomplish the work. if Not is just a case of blind leading the blind..see 2Pet 2:18-20 as an example.
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    the Sabbath

    yes then its wise to look at ourselves if we accomplish ALL instead of telling others they are do lawlessness and yet we are the worst one within our hearts..
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    the Sabbath

    yes one sided..its ALL Gods work. so no boasting but give thanks to Him
  17. P

    the Sabbath

    Yes Christ in you..and the hope Psm 32:1,2. So thats is our work. To "believe" and the hope of Him living in us.
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    the Sabbath

    I am the worse
  19. P

    the Sabbath

    1corins 15: 44,45 (two body types) one body is rule by Sin (Rom 6:6) the other is where God prepares for Himself.
  20. P

    the Sabbath

    yes so the moment you free from sin is the moment you also able to keep the 7th day Sabbath. as it say.."whoever keeps the whole Law and stumbles at just "one" point is guilty of breaking ALL of them..James 2:10