Jesus' conversation with the thief, ''today I tell you'', pertained to Jesus telling the thief that day that he would be with Jesus in paradise.
The thief upon his own death would indeed behave entered paradise as Jesus promised. This doesn't mean that was conditioned on Jesus accompanying him...
A hand towel soaked in ice water, then ring it out , and lay it across the throat should relieve the coughing. Repeat as necessary.
I found this for you too.
Scripture is clear. However, you misunderstand.
If we accept first what Paul affirmed, the natural mind of man cannot understand the things of God because they are foolishness to him.
That is because the things of God cannot be understood by the natural mind. The worldly consciousness.
There's a thought that our Jesus was a Nazarene.
Others say he was Essence.
He was God. In my view that means he is anyone he wants to be.
Many years ago I attended a ceremony held in a Mazarine church. The atmosphere was inviting and deeply peaceful. Like a giant snuggle attached itself to...
I don't know anything about Mr. Jeffries.
I thought of BHO because when Biden was going out on the campaign trail Obama told a reporter he'd asked BHO what he thought of his intention to run for the highest office yet again.
BHO said he told Joe he didn't think it a good idea. And he only...
True.God's gift of grace and faith. Afforded through his Holy Spirit lending understanding where before the natural mind could not understand the things of God.
I've noted in my travels those who insist we can choose salvation and understanding are also of a mind we can choose to return to our...
There are hyper-anti-Calvinists here too?
Someone brings up particulars in scripture and the fall back to deny those teachings is to label it Calvinism, so to discredit the teaching itself.
Matthew 22:29 , 1 Corinthians 2:14
God tells us in different parts of his word that the natural man...
I think HRC got away with Espionage, using a private server, and all else as Obama's SoS because she was following his orders.
Remember when she pulled surveillance of known radical mosques? Then made a public address for that act pretending it was a matter of fighting Islamiphobia...
He could have handled McCain differently. However, McCain made no bones about having no respect for Trump.
I think largely because his good friend GWB43 didn't care for Trump.
Another reason McCain didn't like Trump is maybe because Trump brought up what many may have forgotten.
McCain gave...
Maybe consider some of the reasons your parents give so to dissuade you from moving out could be their reasons for not wanting you to leave. Being lonely, for example.
Going to church shouldn't rest on your parents not being church goer's. I think being independent of parents begins there.
I didn't see this in the video but I know had I been on the boat I'd have leaned out and given loving pets to them both.
To touch a wild whale would be incredible.
So precious how mommy whale gently lifts new baby to the surface to breathe.
Mama whale felt safe in giving birth at that time. She even gently swam under the boat and then let baby get close to the boat to visit the people.
Very emotional.
God bless and keep mama and baby whale safe. 🙏