Search results

  1. Platosgal

    California christian, with No hope for the apostate churches around me

    Hi All I live in California (Los Angeles) and have been looking for a real church for over 10 years I visit churches in my area and smell the marketing, the hustle, the lack of respect for the word of God, the compromise, the almost worship of SJW issues. It has left me very isolated. I...
  2. Platosgal

    Muslim Religion Started by Catholic Church

    Islam was started by a troubled, mentally ill, Narcissist- He was an orphan, an illiterate and a mastermind. Like Joseph Smith, he understood how easily humans could be tricked into submission. But no, though The Catholic Church historically, and many "church" organizations historically are...
  3. Platosgal

    Trump - puppet or savior?

    Is it possible that there is a reason for this? It may be meant to kill our country? But I think if Christians pray, what Satan ment for evil, God will use for good. I for one am praying for a quick resolve, for restoration of our businesses, and for this time to make the Drama Barons - Die off...