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  1. M

    New to here

    Welcome back! I won't claim to know the hardships you have faced in your life, or to say that they are just like my own experiences. But I can relate to the frustration some authority figures can cause, there are some people like that in my church too
  2. M

    Nice to meet you!

    While I have been part of my local Lutheran Church pretty much my whole life, I have only recently started to truly believe in God, or maybe a better phrasing would be that I finally opened up my heart for Him? It just kind of clicked for me one night. I still have a lot to figure out, and...
  3. M

    Bible verse coincidence(?)

    I have recently began to read through The Bible for the first time. When I met my cousin at Christmas, they told be that they had heard a Bible verse that essentially made them believe in god. I asked them to show me the verse (Book of Joshua 1:9, and it was on the exact same page where I was at...