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  1. D

    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    I know it doesn't compute. But it dont have to. And Israel failed in thier choosing continually. It didnt work out for them very well at all. It was only a hand full that God had chosen that did any good.
  2. D

    Why do only the poor have the gospel preached to them?

    Because the poor are usually neglected by the religious elites. So the fact that Jesus proclaimed the good news to the poor speaks of purity. That's my opinion.
  3. D

    Former pentecostal

    The only thing on that list that doesnt really happen in my church is the dancing, and shouting, that depends on what ya call shouting. But our church is orderly and not what might be called chaotic.
  4. D

    Is Calvinism the truth?

    I think there is danger in trying to figure out the things that are for God alone. There is a verse that says something to the effect of, dont say who will ascend into heaven or who will descend into hell. This is the domain of God alone. I think its easy to fall into the error of so many...
  5. D

    About rules on Christian dating

    I just prefer more interactive things. Festivals and carnivals are great. Doing your hobbies together also great. I took my wife now fishing and hunting and she would sit on the fender of a truck or car while I tinkered . she like making crafty stuff so I would tall to her while she did those...
  6. D

    About rules on Christian dating

    After about 3 or 4 group dates its time for one on one. Participating in each others pastimes and hobbies is essential. Spending quality time with them one on one is essential and that can be done with out sinning.
  7. D

    About rules on Christian dating

    Initially or if you are a teen, but a relationship must develope so after a few dates with friends you have alone dates. I don't recommend movies because you don't talk, but dinner, hobbies, festivals (like ren fest) those carnivals with the ferris wheels and such. Do the things she or he likes...
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    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    It dont work both ways. It works one way.
  9. D

    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    That is what our so called free will is good for, to reject God, nothing more. We can not by our will, free or other wise save ourselves. Salvation is purely the work of God alone.
  10. D

    Very good interview...your thoughts?

    He just said preaching the gospel is not enough. Preaching the Gospel is the single thing we were directed to do. To preach, to make disciples, to baptize. This is what Jesus said do. This guy is false.
  11. D

    Very good interview...your thoughts?

    To male a way for the king to come?
  12. D

    Former pentecostal

    So worship in spirit and truth means dancing? Because David danced. Not that I'm against dancing. But I thought the meat was the Holy Spirit enacting his word in your heart and soul. That your life become conformed to his word. Seems to me (I could be wrong) that you were trying to be alive by...
  13. D

    Former pentecostal

    I'm Lutheran and not spiritually dead at all. I see God working in mine and others lives like never before.
  14. D

    About rules on Christian dating

    I got married on a JP carport for about the same price, and we are still to this day married. We were young and didnt have much money. If ya have a good church family they will help ya have an actual wedding in the church for little to nothing.
  15. D

    Former pentecostal

    Congratulation on leaving pentecostalism. Now study and learn more.
  16. D

    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    I know that this sounds impossible, but its how scripture reads out. If one is saved it is by election of God. If one is lost it is by his own choosing.
  17. D

    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    Because it dont. Wearing vestments or even being pastor dont make you more Holy.
  18. D

    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    Not sure what you're trying to get to here, but my statement about the suit is simply to say that what ever someone wears it can be criticized. As far as to why I like the vestments; there are a few reasons. I like the ceremonial atmosphere, I like the artistry, I like that pastors and elders...
  19. D

    Essential Christian confessions. "The Augsburg Confessions".

    I sometimes wear jeans to church. Usually black but some times blue.