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  1. J

    Comment by 'jacob_g' in media 'Peace Pilgrim: An American Sage who Walked Her Talk'

    What a bunch of humanism gibberish.... So sad she NEVER claimed to know GOD/MESSIAH!!!! I hope she Knew Him or she is in hell!! Peace will NEVER come without Messiah!!! She only talks about faith in humans. "Human potential".....
  2. J

    The unity of the faith...

    When I read your question the first thing I thought of was the tower of Babel.... They were all one like minded and could do anything they set their minds to achieve.... Imagine if all christians were oneminded in Messiah; I do not think He would come down and split us apart (like He did then)...
  3. J

    let there be a divide among My Word

    When/ why did Scripture just stop bing Scripture and it divided between Calvin and Arminian? Did God chance and say let there be a divide among My Word? Or are people just idiots? Can there be a middle somewhere or did just all the centuries before just did not know better so millions are going...
  4. J

    Am I intolerant and a racist?

    I do not know who these people are but your comintairy before the Phelps family is brilliant....
  5. J


    I have a simple question.... I took a cruise once from America to South Africa (in my mind) but I did not fall of the Earth when we got to the "side" we just kept going.... like all all of the other cruise ships DON"T in real life.... WHY?
  6. J


    Great statement... To put you on the spot... What is one life in Jesus? This has so many faces in today's world... Trying to serve Jesus while being politically correct... even "church" correct and accepting what is against God's Word!?!
  7. J

    Do You Kill Insects?

    That is brilliant!
  8. J

    Do You Kill Insects?

    I have a fly strip hanging in my kitchen to kill gnats.... If I did dishes every day I probably would not need a fly strip.... yes nasty but not as nasty as I do not kill spiders because I think the spiders are killing other bugs for me.... I do not live where there are poisonous...
  9. J

    The third Temple?

    I love documentaries.... history, conspiracies, and everything in between. I love to learn and I like to learn what people believe (even though they are 1/2 may 3/4 to 100% crazy).... I watched a "Christian" documentary and along with secular people and Jews "Christians" were looking for the...
  10. J

    Do you walk past a homeless person and how would a Good Samaritan act living in this age?

    This is a great comment! Thank you for sharing....
  11. J

    Do you walk past a homeless person and how would a Good Samaritan act living in this age?

    I will always buy them food. I will buy their medicine.... I only have had one person really need medicine.... I will buy baby formula.... but I have NEVER had a mother actually want it.... I bought it one time and she was gone when I got out of the store.... And I have given money for dope...
  12. J

    Is Jesus God the Father, in human form? Or is He something/someone else?

    Okay. I believe there is only ONE GOD. Therefore, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ARE God the Father. If not you have more than ONE GOD!!!! And that is a PROBLEM!!!!
  13. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I had to look up epiphany to find out what that means.... Not that smart.... I need words like "see Jane run".... lol..... Thank you for increasing my vocabulary.... I just hope I remember God is GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!
  14. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    One of the GREATEST phrases in Scripture is God "IS" the God of Abraham, Isaic, Jacob, and so on..... It says this "IS" even thousands of years after they "died"..... They, Rachel and all who die in Him are still alive, forever.... Honestly, I do believe it is a figure of speech because there...
  15. J

    If you could escape from "real" life?

    If you could escape from "real" life and live anywhere in the world, under the world (sea/ ocean ) or outside of the world (another planet/ space) where would is be?
  16. J

    Is Jesus God the Father, in human form? Or is He something/someone else?

    I'm sorry I do not keep up.... Hope it was good Honestly probably more serious than funny.... But I only want to be taken as a serious Christian on here....
  17. J

    Is Jesus God the Father, in human form? Or is He something/someone else?

    Why do you not know Jesus and can give/ cannot give a definitive answer? Why should you not defined what you believe?
  18. J

    Is Jesus God the Father, in human form? Or is He something/someone else?

    Thank you for reposting... I got to read it.... Brilliant post could not agree more.... well it is Scripture.... Who in their right Christian mind does not believe Scripture....
  19. J

    Is Jesus God the Father, in human form? Or is He something/someone else?

    I'm sorry I cannot pull up the sight.... And I am sorry if this has has been asked 1,000 times before and now is boring.... So what is the answer?