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  1. A

    Married 25 Years and Sucker Punched in the Gut With This Issue!!

    That's a thought, thanks for the advice.
  2. A

    My son

    I help to raise 3 boys and there were times, especially with our youngest one, where I thought I'd never get through it BUT my advice to you would be to pray over them daily! Reaffirm you love for them, daily and set boundaries and rules and STICK TO THEM. Ask the Lord to help you in the area...
  3. A

    Married 25 Years and Sucker Punched in the Gut With This Issue!!

    My spouse has been my closest friend and quite frankly there were times when it was just the two of us against the world when we had to combat issues, over the years, in our lives. Last night I brought up the subject of needing to make an address change to update our living Trust Will and in a...