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  1. chess-player

    Who is a Jew?

    That verse applies to all believers regardless of their ethnic background. There is only one body... (Eph. 4:4-6) ;)
  2. chess-player


    The Bible does not teach dispensations. What you posted above is nothing but a man-made bible study that ignores God's covenants which is the beating heart of the Bible.
  3. chess-player

    Who is a Jew?

    Let me cut in here by adding that the Jews since the destruction of their temple in A.D. 70, no longer have a relationship with God through the law of Moses. As a nation, they were cut off for their sins against God since its inception because they broke the covenant to pieces (Matt. 23:34-39...
  4. chess-player

    Gods love

    What makes you believe that you are a sinner when you have a new nature in Christ? See 2Cor. 5:17, 19
  5. chess-player

    Who is a Jew?

    First of all the church is the church....Israel is Israel. Jesus is the redeemer....restorer. he does not replace. So no the church is not Israel. Israel is physical. Christians are spiritual. God is the husband of Israel. Jesus is the bridegroom of the church. Christianity came out of judisim...