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  1. chess-player

    God’s Purpose for born-again believers

    God's purpose was first revealed when He created Adam (Gen. 1:26). His first and ultimate purpose was for Adam to know he was deeply and infinitely loved with no bounds and no rules attached. Two, by making him His delegated authority to rule the earth through love, righteousness, and wisdom...
  2. chess-player


    What is the correct biblical definition of the wrath of God, and how does it differentiate from the love of God since both attributes proceed from the same God (Father, Son, and Spirit)? Is there a contradiction?
  3. chess-player


    Because He judged them according to the law since they refused to be saved by grace. An Israel without a temple ceased to be the moment their empty temple was destroyed in A.D. 70. Let me ask you a question. On what grounds does a Christian stand? Jesus finished redemption on the cross for...
  4. chess-player


    Again, you are taking something literally when it is in fact symbolic. Christians today prefer to hold on to false teachings than admit they are wrong. I call that pride which is what caused Lucifer to fall from grace.
  5. chess-player


    You are playing games here. I asked first the question of why God chose Israel. If you don't know, you prove that dispensationalism is nothing but a house of cards without a foundation. By the way, I know why God chose Israel, so when God's plan was completed, Israel as a nation was judged and...
  6. chess-player


    Lots of misinterpretations and much misuse of the scriptures but nothing concrete. Pushing dispensationalism is heresy because it diminishes the finished work of Christ and suggests that He didn't finish redemption on the cross. Give me one concrete scripture and I will shred it into pieces...
  7. chess-player


    😁 What was the plan exactly?
  8. chess-player


    The phrase “coming with the clouds” is apocalyptic language that speaks of the judgment of God against the harlot city, Jerusalem (Lk 19:41-44).
  9. chess-player


    I never said that they will never be accepted. I said that IF in 2,000 years there hasn't been any progress, what makes you they will be saved in the future? Surely by now, we should have some proof that the people of Israel are waking up, unfortunately, nothing indicates they are calling on the...
  10. chess-player


    Why did God choose Israel?
  11. chess-player


    Does the word of God say that He was going to return in physical form? If that were the intent, I would have to admit that Jesus would have to hide His holiness to prevent the crowd from dying at the reflection of His glory. Remember what happened to Daniel, Saul of Tarsus, and John the apostle...
  12. chess-player


    After 2,000 years of unbelief, I doubt it. There are less than 1/2% saved in Israel today. By now, (after 2,000 years) they should've taken over and preached the gospel to the whole world, yet they are shining by their absence. Also, remember that all unconverted Jews do not study the OT but the...
  13. chess-player


    They will be converted? If they had 2,000 years to repent, and didn't, believe me, they wouldn't be converted. By the way, God does not respect race, culture, or ethnic background, except those who believe in His Son. Again, only those who believe in Christ will prevail at the end, not those who...
  14. chess-player


    He did return to end the old covenant and to do away with the law, so whether He returned physically or invidibly is irrelevant since the OT had to end either way before giving room for the new covenant to reach the ends of the world with the gospel of Christ (Messiah). Once the old covenant...
  15. chess-player


    Number one, you make a grave mistake by ignoring Hebrew linguistic forms of language. Clouds are not to be taken literally the same way westerners read the bible. OT scriptures like Ps. 68:4 and Isa. 19:1 reveals that God rides on the clouds. Do you believe that should be taken literally? When...
  16. chess-player


    Rubbish! Pre-rapture tribulation is also an invention that cannot be proven in the scriptures. Try the tribulation of A.D. 70 that Jesus prophesied against the nation of Israel for rejecting Christ with their eyes wide open.
  17. chess-player


    Don't talk to me about Israel being prophesied in the OT. The prophecies were about Jesus Christ, not Israel (LK 24:25-27, 44-45, Jn 5:39-40). God fulfilled His promises to them in the OT by giving them the land filled with milk and honey. They tore His promises to pieces, broke His law, and...
  18. chess-player


    Correction, THEY WERE BELOVED until they were judged in A.D. 70. It is important to read in context. The wrath of God abided in them because they chose to reject God's grace in Jesus Christ and get their salvation through the works of the law. To elevate a nation that cursed the Lord while He...
  19. chess-player


    Oh boy, you do read selectively. You ignore the fact that verse 5 refers ONLY to the remnant which was a reference to all who had believed in Jesus (not bowed the knee to Baal). In verses 8 and 9, Paul quotes Isa. 29:10, 13, and Ps. 69:22, 23 indicating that God Himself gave them a spirit of...