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  1. chess-player

    The kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed?

    Your KJV is an idol that legalistic people love to shove in other believers' faces because they are smart enough to choose a translation they actually understand. This discussion is over.
  2. chess-player


    This was my original question: << What is the correct biblical definition of the wrath of God, and how does it differentiate from the love of God since both attributes proceed from the same God (Father, Son, and Spirit)? Is there a contradiction? >> So, we (sort of) understand what God's wrath...
  3. chess-player


    We can't exclude the love of God as the principal attribute that defines who He is (Father, Son, and Spirit). So, what is the biblical definition of God's love?
  4. chess-player

    Faith in God's grace supersedes our sin

    You are using a confusing term for OT believers because none of us in the new covenant have been resurrected yet.
  5. chess-player

    The kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed?

    Actually, it is the other way around. I don't make things up. I own a large library of Dictionaries, Hebrew and Greek Lexicons, Interlinear, Commentaries, and a number of translations that I can use for text comparison. I can also find anything from the bible as I also have a search engine that...
  6. chess-player

    The kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed?

    Being new here is totally irrelevant. I have been a student of God's word for many years, I also own a large library from Logos, therefore I was simply bringing up a common error that Christians make all the time. They ignore genre, culture, and language where Hebrews spoke in pictures utilizing...
  7. chess-player

    The kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed?

    God has only one throne which is in heaven. Jesus is God Almighty and Lord of all creation (Eph. 1:20-22). He sits on the throne in heaven ruling over all creation. Jesus does not have an earthy throne because that would limit Him, and He is limitless. Both the Father, the Son, and the Spirit...
  8. chess-player

    Faith in God's grace supersedes our sin

    << We need to keep the pre-resurrection Nation of Israel teaching/doctrine separate from the post-resurrection Body of Christ/Churches teaching/doctrine.>> What do you mean by "pre-resurrection nation of Israel" teaching/doctrine, etc., when God's word is encompassed in one book with a perfect...
  9. chess-player


    Your response has no I'm not interested in responding to my own questions. I have my personal notes in my Logos Library. 😎
  10. chess-player


    What about the love of God? Can you define it?
  11. chess-player


    You need to read your bible more and repeat less what other people say. In addition to that, I never once said that the church replaced Israel. Your assumptions are over the edge for failing to ask questions.
  12. chess-player


    Again, my question was, what was the purpose of God to choose Israel? By the way, I own nothing to Israel, I owe everything to the Lord Jesus, my Messiah. Your priorities are skewed.
  13. chess-player


    No, I disagree. Israel's only connection with God was with the law. When the temple was destroyed, they ceased to be God's people forever, since the law was removed to give room for the Spirit to indwell in temples made out of flesh and bones: us! Lastly, God has only people, not two, much...
  14. chess-player


    I wasn't asking for links but for opinions from the posters. I simply wanted to have a healthy discussion and discover where the mindset of the churchgoers is today. This is a discussion group, but thanks anyway.
  15. chess-player


    Once again, what is your point with the scriptures you posted? I know them by memory, and I use them against dispensationalists when they try to ignore that the Lord gave Jerusalem an ultimatum if they didn't repent.
  16. chess-player


    I have already quoted these verses before, so I don't know what your point is. Your move is illegal, so my rook remains in its square.
  17. chess-player

    God’s Purpose for born-again believers

    I've seen people doing that. They shout, they make demands, they cast demons out of the air and go home empty. I wish you the best.
  18. chess-player

    God’s Purpose for born-again believers

    You want the glory without paying the price of being obedient even in the smallest thing. Character comes before authority.
  19. chess-player

    God’s Purpose for born-again believers

    The order restored is individual, not collective.
  20. chess-player

    God’s Purpose for born-again believers

    why wouldn't our purpose be the same as Adam since Jesus restored it back to order? Our purpose is greater than Adam's. We are now dwelling in heavenly places in Christ, but we are not yet glorified with a body of glory (Phil. 3:20-21, Eph. 2:6) did not God allow Adam to walk around and NAME...