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  1. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    She is my first borned and Leon is my other and he is the reason why i hate abortions. I bnever told him that i had the chance to end his life before hi was born. All around us told me we should make an abortion. I couldn my former wife couldnt but it was her choise. But its wrong a life is...
  2. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    Im true in my faith but I sometimes dont understand my on faith. My blind uncle Roland was my minister and guide but hi died 2017, he was the first blind preast in Sweden
  3. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    Im the father of two of them and because i promised to our great lord and jesus i would take care of here third child
  4. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    She did and somehow got a other son, im not the father, but i love him the same that he was mine and he the young one love me back. My christian faith bring me love and tought me not to condemed
  5. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    It was natal depression, it wasnt doctors, but our relatives who tried to convince us. Im strong in my faith, and I took care of both my kids. She left us when Elvira was 2 and Leon 1. How can i judge her?
  6. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    Im not banned from the Swedish church, it separated from the state 2001. If you read Swedish history about the Swedish empire. The power of the ruling king was so conected to the swedish church. So Swedish soldiers where outnumbered in battles but because there belives in King and God there...
  7. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    We was so different so we couldnt live together, but we are friends still. I have two kids Elvira and Leon, my former wife had some mindproblems after Elvira was born. I had to take care of my daughter from day 1. Elvira was 3 months when my former wife got pregnent again. every one around us...
  8. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    Im not banned in any way, but in the society, if i say what i think. In the liberal country of Sweden if you are pro life, against gay marriage you are different.
  9. Malle

    Luke 6:27-36

    27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, 28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat...
  10. Malle

    Im single and an outcast because of my belives in my country

    Im single and divorced, it was hard for me but in the end i belive it was gods way to test me. Im Swedish i live in a country that is built on christian faith and we have been christians for over 1000 years. Im pro life, against gay marriage in the church. Marriage whas created buy god between...
  11. Malle

    I play amacing grace

    My wiev of Donald Trump, somehow you get who your elect. More narcistic than he a man who went bancruped two times, a lier a person who belive he is bigger than the democratic system
  12. Malle

    I play amacing grace

    Yes its in the news how you support Ukraine, Swedish, US and UK officers train Ukrainan soldiers in England. And about your midterm election we are conserned that to many Trumps get there seat in your senat and congress
  13. Malle

    I play amacing grace

    I say why shall americans do the same mistake we did centuries ago, how many civilwars have we had in Sweden around 10. Yes there quite alot of people who belive in conspiracies. There is a differens in religion we had a statechurch until 2001 and it was not aloud to be a part of any other...
  14. Malle

    Hymn 201 from the Swedish church hymn book also called the summer hymn

    (A rich attire of kindly green Have adorned the valleys and meadows. The mild breeze of the wind Caresses the fair herb gardens. And the light of the sun, And the whisper of the grove, And the murmur of the wave amongst the willow Declare the summertime) (Their happiness and the peace of summer...
  15. Malle

    Hymn 201 from the Swedish church hymn book also called the summer hymn

    I will try to translate the lyrics to english but you can read about this hymn onänlig_grönskas_rika_dräkt
  16. Malle

    I play amacing grace

    I have the original from my wedding
  17. Malle

    I play amacing grace

    Yes we have bears not polar bears not even in the north, but we got rain dear good eating. I wonder what Ansgar thought of this land he was the first christian missionary here in Sweden between 829-831
  18. Malle

    I play amacing grace

    I have a thread where i honor my uncle, and i can play also. I taped this tonight forgett my huming and bless you all. Excuse my beard im 100% descendet from Vikings, we got Christianity in Sweden 1050 ad and our churchbooks with birth and batism begins in the begining of the 12th century, my...
  19. Malle

    I lost my uncle who was my spiritual advisor and the first blind preast in the Swedish church

    He was the best uncle, friend spiritual advisor, a role model for. I play amacing grace in honor for him, this i played tonight.