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  1. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    We have the word 'spirit' lowercase. And the word "Spirit" uppercase. I would contest that this word in either font casing is an "IT". It is the power by which God operates. Spirit is translated in the O.T. as neshamah and ruach. meaning given lexicographers is - wind, breath, life, mind, and...
  2. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    errata - So, I would doubt that no matter what I showed you, you would not be re-baptised because of what you would read from me. You said - "I'm only beginning to understand that you believe the soul dies with the body- " My point is the soul is the body,i.e. nephesh.
  3. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    This will be painful - I can do this again but as far as being fruitful I do not think that would happen, experience has shown that once a person has made up their mind concerning doctrine it is very rare that they will change their mind. So, I would doubt that no matter what I showed you, you...
  4. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    1 Thess 5: 23 It is inferred from this verse that one has a soul and spirit. 1. The words, "spirit" ("pneuma") and "soul" ("psuche") are used in a variety of ways in Scripture. However, they are never referred to as conscious immortal entities within man. 2. It is likely that in the passage...
  5. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    Sure I failed. Soul-sleep is not a Biblical phrase. This doctrine is not in the Bible. Biblically speaking there is no such thing. The doctrine I did apply is Biblical and not an implication. As for the thief issue you asked for complete Bible stories. I did not really labor too hard, I could...
  6. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    Good questions; Thank you. I kept explanations brief for brevity`s sake. With all humility and due respect - If complete Biblical stories are what you require with translated renderings in order to understand the point, no problem. Please, If you would be kind enough to provide what translation...
  7. S

    Where do believers go after death?

    I understand how you could feel this way and believe it. Nobody wants to completely cease to exist. However, it should be remembered that the Bible is of JewishHebrew origin. Over time it became textualized by Latin Orthodox ideas. Even in this state of translation the Bible is the only book...