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  1. MyrtleTrees


    It's true that correct Bible theology isn't enough by itself - to do the best job of winning souls to Christ. A big problem now and always (but more and more so, as the end draws nearer) is that too many Christians "Talk the walk, but fail to walk the talk." As such, they are poor examples...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    James 4:7 To Fear The Devil Means To Not Trust God

    That's true! We do not need to fear the devil, as long as we prayerfully remain fully surrendered to God with our lives. In other words, to be always diligent in serving Christ and in putting on the whole armor of God, always - Ephesians 6. 2 Peter 1:4-10 4 Whereby are given unto us...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Will the mark alone send a person to eternal damnation?

    You're correct! Catholicism is a false religion, and fails to preach and teach that salvation comes through Jesus, alone! It also teaches people t pray to others besides Jesus alone! But the Bible says to pray to NO ONE except to the one and only true God, through Jesus. Jesus was God...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Will the mark alone send a person to eternal damnation?

    1 John 2:22-23 22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. KJV Heb 1:8 8 But unto the Son he saith...