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  1. L

    The prodigal son?

    Atimely reminder of the unchanching principle of the God head Emily, often said it is the only time we see a Picture of God in a hurry
  2. L

    The prodigal son?

    And there was nothing more in them? Of course there is! - The vineyard is pin point accurate concrening the prophets, the motives of the leaders of Israel, the killing of The Som, The judgement upon Israel, that spiritual life is now with others - the church of the redeemed. And so it is with...
  3. L

    The prodigal son?

    All in Israel were seperated to God by circuncision and the Law - gentiles are viewed as being as far away as possible and enemies Alan h - the context of the Lord's life was in and to Israel - The post calvary teaching (about church and gentiles) is contained in visits to Decapolis Ceaserea...
  4. L

    The prodigal son?

    The Bse rock of all church doctrine is the life , teaching, words, sequences, parables and miracles as recorded in Luke 'things most arruaradly belieced amongst us (the church) - This makes Lukes narrative unigue in its purpose. The above is an ad hoc view of the goapels is sufficient, but that...
  5. L

    The prodigal son?

    Renew certainly not 1 Cor 3 saved as by fire - Salvation depends on Calvary not my condition at my death - God forbid thatany such idea would be taught
  6. L

    The prodigal son?

    They are not lost the matter is dealt with in John in a sense withPeters restoration for he has the Lord asan interceeder with thr Father ' I have prayed for you' and in that whole series of actions in Luke and John after He rose and before He ascended thatgathered the disciples again. The...
  7. L

    The prodigal son?

    I think you make a mistake - the context here is Israel, not born again believers - the Lord would not refer to born again believers as lost - they never can be, for they are His eternally
  8. L

    The prodigal son?

    Of course the lost here represents the 'sinners of Israel, the lesson is from the shepherding practice where a man might only have one and the shpherding was a shared responsibilty amongst the community (so common to have more than one shephered - in a size of 100 maybe three- its force is that...
  9. L

    The prodigal son?

    This parable reflects the attitudes to the Lord - The leaders of Israel follow the law - those that believe in Christ experiance the spiritual blessings of savation ( theFathers love = ring / authority (represents the Father toall) ,Best robe/ the one favoured closest to the father, shoes/able...
  10. L

    The prodigal son?

    The one son represents Israel that rejected the Lord, The younger the rebel (publicans and sinners) that came to his senses and returned (not to gain the farm, he had lost that forever) but to be in the Fathers love /house/and to serve him - All who believe in the rejected Christ are always to...
  11. L

    Ps speaking of Christ 69, 40 & 22 plus

    Psalm 69 Because of verse 21 This Psalm is messianic Mat 27 v 34 & 48 Mark 15 v 23 & 36 Luke 23 v36 John 19v 28 -30 Verse 4 John 15 v 25 This Psalm is of David and admits to the fragility that is his v 5. Foolish and a sinner, but who with...