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  1. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    To Everyone... Have you or have you not yet Married Jesus Resurrected? If so, have you conceived of His Incorruptible Seed? If so, are you filled with His Holy Son, "Christ in you"? If so, who is your Motther now, the Married woman? Are you or are you not the Lamb's Wife Now To Day...
  2. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Those verses are perfect. They are of my Husband, Jesus the Christ. Nor do they push any form of trinitarian polytheism, no. I am not UPC nor do I follow men's teachings. Whoever you might be sir, I will start the same as with all men; Here is where we start, AT THE FIRST AND FOREMOST...
  3. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Then you are a liar and the truth is not in you. You deny Jesus is the One Lord your God, against scriptures provided right in front of you. We now KNOW THIS OF YOU. Thank you. We also know that since you have no comprehension of scriptures as evidenced by giving mindless opinions...
  4. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    First, I DO define the rules of engagement. Second, I am a man. Third, yes, I'm glad you agree that there is one Lord God... the question is, do you believe that JESUS is the ONE LORD GOD THOSE SCRIPTURES SPEAKS OF IN THOSE EXACT WORDS? Do you or do you NOT agree with these scriptures FIRST...
  5. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    We all start out as trinitarians. There is no new argument they can put forth. But that is all they do, is put forth carnal arguments and slander those who believe in Jesus Christ, the One True God. As I easily proved above, that you said "whatever" to lol. It wasn't real difficult, once I...
  6. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    1Ti_3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Yes, Jesus is God. The One Lord God. I am Married to the Lamb, my Lord and...
  7. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Understanding polytheistic trinitarians steeped in false god paganism and men's teaching is very easy to understand. No trinitarian can stand before the Word of God. I've proved it perfectly above :)
  8. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Exactly. The trinitarian argument goes south, as soon as Scriptures are invoked. Throw away opinions of men and non-scriptural drawings from men. I recommend you start here; Act 2:38 And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the...
  9. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Nothing can kill you more effect Not interested in opinions or your inability to believe scriptures please, thank you.
  10. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Yes, Hallelujah! The Lord/ Jesus/ Christ = Father/Son/Holy Spirit; Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the >>>NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit<<< What is that NAME? Act 2:38 And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and...
  11. L

    Are you a Trinitarian, and if so, can you defend the doctrine?

    Deu_6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our >>>God is one LORD<<<: Mar_12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our >>>God is one Lord<<<: Eph 4:5 One Lord Act_10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by...
  12. L

    Hi I like providing passages dealing with the Lamb's Wife :)

    Hi I like providing passages dealing with the Lamb's Wife :)