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  1. CGYager

    Young and Old

    At 65, the young side would be the wonder of Christmas and working out. The old side... takes a bit longer to get up off the ground. ;)
  2. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Thanks. Not a problem as perfection rests with only one and He will watch over the rest of us and this chat room.
  3. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Thank you and a even better one coming your way...
  4. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Thank you for your quick response. I can imagine just how the Bible forum can be at times, so many interpretations that, of course, are not personal interpretations at all, but the correct one. Been there many, many times. Hope to catch you in one of the others... take care. :)
  5. CGYager

    Good to be here

    A very nice welcome from everyone and they are all much appreciated. Hopefully the chat portion will be able to be accessed down the road a bit. Might I ask, what are some of the more popular forums?
  6. CGYager

    Has an equal opportunity for salvation been given to all people in all time periods?

    I'll go ahead and toss in my reply as well. Firstly, the Bible tells us that we need to refrain from spending our time on useless debates. God is in control. Always has been and always will be. Secondly, the Bible tells us very plainly that God gets no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked...
  7. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Always nice to meet another "newbie" (at least to this site). Thanks for the welcome and thoughtful presentation of the people here. The Lord watch over this day for you and yours.
  8. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Thank you both for your welcome. Shyness is not a problem I have... lol. Have a blessed Sunday and I look forward to meeting each of you.
  9. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Thank you. That is very much appreciated. Waiting for the upload to be fixed so that I can join the chat rooms. Have a blessed day.
  10. CGYager

    Good to be here

    Just signed up to this chat room and I hope to have several interesting, informative and enlightening visits in the future. Christian for over 50 years...