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  1. B

    DHS, FBI Imprisoning Christians Now?

    Visa overstay in itself would not prohibit him from seeking asylum on bond, especially since detention of immigrants is not a judicial procedure but is at ICE's discretion. Torben is still detained after being summarily denied bond, despite no evidence and no charges of any dangerous crimes, and...
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    DHS, FBI Imprisoning Christians Now?

    No problem, praise Jesus Christ. God bless, and thank you for your kindness.
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    DHS, FBI Imprisoning Christians Now?

    Correction: I apologize, actually I think it's been about 8 and a half months since he's been in jail.
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    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Thank you. Praise God for the relief you got. Be Healed in Jesus' name.
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    DHS, FBI Imprisoning Christians Now?

    Also, I think it's good to hear from people who know him personally.
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    DHS, FBI Imprisoning Christians Now?

    Check out his fruit. This is his youtube page. This is his website. I believe he is sincere and loves Jesus. Matthew 7 17Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that...
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    DHS, FBI Imprisoning Christians Now?

    9 MONTHS In Jail Without Charges | Torben's Emotional Update From Prison Update
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    Please pray for me

    demons come out in the name of Jesus Christ. Mark 9 23“If You can?” echoed Jesus. “All things are possible to him who believes!” Matthew 17 19Afterward the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” 20“Because you have so little faith,” He answered. “For...
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    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    I think it is important, here, to note that God can protect in these ways Exodus 9 25Throughout the land of Egypt, the hail struck down everything in the field, both man and beast; it beat down every plant of the field and stripped every tree. 26The only place where it did not hail was in the...
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    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Thanks, God bless! :) Matthew 6 33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own. Mark 9 23“If You can?” echoed Jesus. “All...
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    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Any updates? :)
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    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
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    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Thank you, bless you too :)
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    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    In the name of Jesus Christ be healed. The healing comes from Jesus.
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    Be healed when you read this, in Jesus' name

    Be healed when you read this, in Jesus' name
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    Real Italian Pizza

    I remember seeing this article from King Arthur Baking about potassium bromate and wanted to share. More info here Use discernment with the links
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    What about Gen. 6

    Yeah, I am not sure what it means but I think it is interesting to ask where did/will all of the evil angels go after their fall to earth. Perhaps the answer to that is related to Daniel 2, in my opinion. Revelation 12:9 9And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the...
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    What about Gen. 6

    Hey, thanks for replying and I apologize for the late reply. I think there is definitely room to be watchful, as long as we remain faithful to the most important things and try not to confuse what is deductive from what is inductively inferred. I haven't studied a lot these things^ to be able...
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    Prayer warriors, I need you !

    And praise Jesus Christ for this!