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  1. TarHeelEmilie

    I worry that my church small group is making me feel worse vs. uplifted

    Thank you so much! I think you hit the nail on the head; there are more loving ways to lift up a sister and give her hope. While I am open to giving the situation up to God, I don't need to hear that I need antidepressant drugs or that at 40, it is too late, so I should just stop trying to...
  2. TarHeelEmilie

    I worry that my church small group is making me feel worse vs. uplifted

    Thank you for your response. What I meant by "strong Christian women" is mature women who are mature in their faith. I actually cannot talk to my mother. My mother has problems (including prescription medication abuse) and has been fairly absent and neglectful. She flits in an out of my...
  3. TarHeelEmilie

    I worry that my church small group is making me feel worse vs. uplifted

    Hi all! I am brand-new, so please forgive me if I am in the wrong forum or not exactly following protocol... I have been enduring what most of my closest friends would call a massive spiritual attack. I have endured more hardship in the past year than I can ever recall having endured. I was...
  4. TarHeelEmilie

    Hi! I am a newbie from North Carolina

    I am looking for a place where I can get some counsel, specifically from other women (although if you're male, it's totally cool to weigh in too!). :-) I am glad to be here!