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  1. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Well brothers, my prayer skills need a lot of work but I keep asking Got to lift us up and strengthen us as we help those who ask. I also want to thank God for his death on the cross that we might all be saved and have the chance to see glory in our lives. God bless. :)
  2. Trevorjoekearns

    Time to start my blog here...

    Thank you all for being there. I am out of bed more than in ever since finding this site. Your work is profound. We all share in the healing power of Christ and his saving grace. You encourage and inspire me. God bless. :)
  3. Trevorjoekearns

    Time to start my blog here...

    The story goes... An introduction! My darkness began in the womb. I was the product of a junkie mother and her boyfriend. I owe my life to addiction. If my mom had been healthier she would have known about her pregnancy and would as she told me, have aborted. This was...
  4. Trevorjoekearns

    Time to start my blog here...

    I have a wordpress blog but wanted to start blogging here. I have been chatting with some members at the introductions thread but thought I should move my discussions to a blog. I have come through hell and with Christ I have survived the desire to commit suicide. I have gotten off the streets...
  5. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Thank you brother. I am no longer depending on a single person. I have had the help of at least a few members since joining here days ago. I wake up eager to share and enjoy prayer support. This site is the life of my day right now. Bless you for joining in.
  6. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    I have always struggled with the debate between works and faith, but in my heart I believe the cross did it all. It is my understanding that Jesus made it clear through the example of Dismas, that you are save when you put your faith in Christ Jesus. His death on the cross was the perfect...
  7. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Does the love of funny cat video count, because I just watched a compilation on you tube and am feeling a whole lot better. I hope I am not the only one who does that. When I move out of this group home into my own place I am getting a kitten named "sparkles" in honour of my cat "glitter" who...
  8. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    I was just reading the thread on understanding salvation, and I am still wondering why after the many sinners prayers and water baptisms I have been through I have never been compelled to speak in tongues. I fear I am not truly saved sometimes. :(
  9. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    I am struggling brother, and hearing from you gets me out of bed. I saw a friend for a visit this weekend and went to church on Sunday. Those are big things in my life. I am in a very deep depression. I have come so far from being a homeless addict. I was very mentally ill. I gave up mania and...
  10. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Hey there, I was alerted by phone to your message this morning. Sorry to have taken so long to reply. It is always uplifting to hear from a brother or sister in Christ. God bless you back. Amen. :)
  11. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Thank you for a great start to the day brother. God bless.:)
  12. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Hey there oyster67, sorry I was so long in responding. I was just blogging on wordpress. I am taking back the light with affirmative action. I hoped reaching out would connect me and it did. I am having a much better day thanks to you guys.:)
  13. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Thank you for being there today. I am going to start a blog and maybe check into miscellaneous also. God bless.:)
  14. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    I must say that the last couple of days have been better. I do less staring at the wall or laying in bed. Just having the forum is a little motivation. I am in my own space now here where I live and I intend to get back into morning devotions. I am not good with prayer yet(not a prayer...
  15. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    I saw your blog, it is something I thought of imitating. Just a way to journal and maybe receive some feedback. I have been through so much and now I am having day to day struggles just getting through. I am going to be careful how much I share about my particular struggles but I remember...
  16. Trevorjoekearns

    Beginning a fresh start in Christ.

    Thank you all for a great welcome. I am very blessed to have a community to try to make a start in. I am a little wobbly on my feet as I begin my recovery. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Does anyone know how to get involved in a Christian based messaging service? I am looking for smaller chat...
  17. Trevorjoekearns

    Brand new here

    I was a broken child and the care of loving staff in my childhood got me through the darkest days. I am alive today because of poeple like you. God still has lots to do with me.
  18. Trevorjoekearns

    Brand new here

    Hey there and welcome. This is my first day here but I wanted to say hi. I think you are doing great and God must love what you do for the children. Hope you are good. Here if you need me. :)
  19. Trevorjoekearns

    In need of Christian friends

    Hey, brand new here and just on new legs but wanted to say welcome. Looks like you are doing well for yourself. I am here if needed.:)