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  1. chaptertochapter

    20 yr anniversary Sept.2001 memories

    Alright so most of us aren't a local Einstein, walking mathematician, calculator, and encyclopedia. But at least we got got memories right? In the year 2001 911 trade center 20 yr. anniversary. I had seen an article of the USS Cole that the terrorists had taken. Including how they had...
  2. chaptertochapter

    I'm new.

    Glad you can join us here.. Very nice to meet you too.. Welcome and be blessed.
  3. chaptertochapter

    Someone special

    I'm very sorry. It was my mistake. I was thinking about another post that ZNP was involved in :(
  4. chaptertochapter

    Someone special

    To clear up what's being asked was everyone to share a personal testimony about anyone in your life during your school ages. . That you can write a testimony of anyone in your family. Name not to have to be revealed of course. Lynx and znp got this right. I'll share mine now to show how this...
  5. chaptertochapter

    Would You Allow Your Child?

    I certainly wouldn't let anyone at that age to go on a ride like that one. It takes adults to make good decisions for children who aren't on their own yet. It's possible she wasn't grown enough to keep her in one place. Even under the seat belt at her age she may have hit her head tremendously...
  6. chaptertochapter

    Someone special

    Lynx has the idea of how this thread works. Please read carefully my OP.
  7. chaptertochapter

    Would You Allow Your Child?

    Over the weekend a child in Colorado was in a fatal accident on an amusement park ride.. Read the article here.. What do you think of this situation? Would you...
  8. chaptertochapter

    Is Biden the Most Feeble President Ever?

    I'll be honest to say I don't know much about these past presidents mentioned here. Usually just the similar ones mentioned in school. I did recently learned that Jefferson wasn't a Christian. So much different he was to say. There's a Jefferson bible named after himself. Shocking to know. As...
  9. chaptertochapter

    Chapter to Chapter

    When I was watching church TV years ago I could believe all programs. As long as they were quoting scripture seemed to be satisfying enough. Besides why would they put a false teacher on TV? I was like that for years. How could I even disprove the Mormons, Jehovah Witness, and other religions...
  10. chaptertochapter

    Someone special

    I ask this question for anyone that wants to answer. I'll give my answer after a few of them. Hope this will make sense. When you were growing up in your school days from K to the 12th grade can you name someone that was special in your life that made an impact on you? Maybe your mother...