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  1. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    If the Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church, then the Man of Lawlessness is the man siting in the papal thrown. But you seem to be confused by who this woman is. So let's look at this from another way. Who is this woman, and where did she come from?
  2. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Oh, I forgot 3) I heard preterists say the Man of Sin was Emperor Nero.
  3. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    So I have only come across two theories on who might be the Man of Sin. 1) a singular person who is still to the future who will stand in a future built temple for the Jews in Israel and will deceive them and the world into believing he is the true messiah. 2) The holder of the papal thrown in...
  4. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Never heard that before that sunday worship is the mark of the beast. I guess if Saturday worship is 777 than that would make Friday Worship 666 and Sunday worship 111. So I don't see how it fits, lol.
  5. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    The prophesy of the Whore of Babylon encompasses a period of time, perhaps several hundreds of years. So this has to be accounted for in the interpretation, and where we fall into it at the present time. For example some protestant reformers were probably successful in fully separating from...
  6. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    I'm not sure what you mean by your first sentence. I am not involved with the Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA). I have never been to one of their services or buildings. Actually, I know very little about SDA and have yet to formulate an opinion on them. I have gathered thus far that my...
  7. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Another way to look at it is that Rome is that City. The Vatican, with its courts and walls, and veils and altars..., is the Temple within that city. Vatican City is the temple where the Man of Sin resides. Many other denominations which are considered to be different or reformed from the RCC...
  8. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    Sure, the RCC "sits by many waters" [Rev17:1] meaning it is worldwide. But it is all centralized and ruled by Vatican City. Many other denominations although considered to be different pledge allegiance to the very same "catholic and apostolic church" as the RCC does.
  9. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    The church is not a building or a denomination. According to the Bible, the church is the body of Christ—all those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. The universal church consists of everyone, everywhere, who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Local...
  10. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    More Food for Thought. Could Mormonism with its adulterous, polygamous history also fall under the umbrella of Whore of Babylon?
  11. Nebuchadnezzer


    "And it shall come to pass in the last days". Does this prophesy from Joel refer to the last days of the World/Earth? OR Does this prophesy from Joel refer to the last days of the Mosaic Law, and of the Temple.
  12. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    1Timothy 4:1- The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to...
  13. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    1Timothy 4:1- The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to...
  14. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    No one can understand scripture without guidance from the Holy Spirit. Many churches are dead (without the presence of the Holy Spirit). therefore, they cannot understand scripture, and people at these churches are not getting saved :( When did these churches go off the rails (become devoid of...
  15. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    How can you be so certain that the "Man of Sin" is to be just one and only one person? Let us refer to Deuteronomy 18:18-19 "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. And I will hold...
  16. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    there is a period of "ordinary time" when they tend to wear green. During the Lent season and until Pentecost is when they are more likely to be wearing the purple and/or scarlet.
  17. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    It ultimately comes down to sound doctrine and teaching. This thing with the scarlet and purple, and gold is at best a mere indicator or a warning sign that God has afforded us in his Word. So for example if a particular church is espousing several doctrinal errors and in addition these colors...
  18. Nebuchadnezzer

    Is Jesus returning soon?

    No one knows.
  19. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    orthodox, anglican, presbyterian, lutheran, methodist...they all seem to be moving back toward the RCC (or have they ever really left?)
  20. Nebuchadnezzer

    Mystery Babylon

    If you see any church or chapel or sanctuary that looks like this it is cause for concern (Rev 17:4).