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  1. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    Thank you CS1. I really appreciate the prayer. May the Lord keep you and your family safe in these difficult times. Amen
  2. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    Thank you Magenta. "With God nothing shall be impossible". Amen and may our Lord Jesus Christ watch over you.
  3. TJWest

    Genesis 6:1-2 Revisited. Unredeemable

    My take on this is pretty simple and requires no special insight... The living God is perfect and His justice is perfect Therefore God would never unjustly punish an innocent So whoever or whatever He punishes was deserving of it By this I mean providing or denying salvation I let Him decide as...
  4. TJWest

    Plagues against Egypt foreshadow the Tribulation?

    So there's this awesome symmetry...(God is just incredible) Through the lamb God rescues the Israelites from slavery to Pharaoh Through Jesus God rescues the world from slavery to sin and death This then has me wondering if the 10 plagues of Egypt foreshadow the plagues/trials of the final...
  5. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    Thank you Ruby. God bless you.
  6. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    Thank you Rosemary and God bless you
  7. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    Thank you Bingo. God bless you.
  8. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    Thank you all and God bless you.
  9. TJWest

    Prayer request

    Thank you and God bless.
  10. TJWest

    Prayer request

    Thank you very much. May Christ be with you always.
  11. TJWest

    Prayer request

    Please pray for me. I need healing in my body and soul. Thank you
  12. TJWest

    I’m Falling to Pieces

    I will include you in my prayers. Know that God is aware of all your troubles and will give you the strength to persevere.
  13. TJWest

    Please pray for me

    I am struggling to stop my addictions. I could really use your prayers. My name is Terry. Thank you and may Jesus watch over all of us.